Istituto Superiore per la Protezione
e la Ricerca Ambientale


Intercomparison circuit ISPRA IC028 on "Measures of fractions PM10 and PM2,5 and metal of particulate matter in air "

The last February 26 started the intercomparison circuit IC028 for the measures of PM10, PM2, 5 and metals in air organized by ISPRA which will involve the mobile laboratories and tools of the 20 agencies of environmental protection until to March 26.

This activity is part of the annual program of interlaboratory developed by ISPRA in cooperation with the Network of Environmental Agencies , established by the Federal Council of Agencies regarding the activity "homogenization of analysis methods, sampling and measure - environmental metrology ".

The objective of the circuit is to compare data obtained BY ISPRA -Environmental Metrology Service ( National Laboratory of Reference ) with those of other agencies, obtained with instruments measuring PM10 and PM2, 5 are based on different principles, in order to assess any differences and to assess the effectiveness of the procedures for QA / QC used.
The study results carried out by ISPRA will be collected in a special report.