Istituto Superiore per la Protezione
e la Ricerca Ambientale


Tropical species in the marine environment, an alert for human health

ISPRA re-launches the information campaign. In the summer, with the exponential increase of users of the marine environment, it is very important to know and be able to distinguish the invasive marine species, in particular those that can be dangers for human health. ISPRA, which has been studying the phenomenon for years, therefore re-launches the alert campaign on the spotted puffer fish Lagocephalus sceleratus and on the scorpion fish Pterois mile. Spotted puffer fish, reported for the first time on the Italian coast in September 2013, within the Marine Protected Area of the Pelagie Islands, continues to expand its geographical distribution in the Mediterranean Sea. The scorpion fish is one of the most invasive marine species in the world. Accidentally introduced in Florida in the late 1980s, it invaded the entire Caribbean Sea and much of the western Atlantic coast, with impacts on coastal marine biodiversity, mainly due to its formidable predatory capacity.

ISPRA invites fishermen, divers and managers of marine protected areas to report any sightings or catches to the addresses or

Press release

Puffer fish esce palla

Scorpion fish

Map of presence