Istituto Superiore per la Protezione
e la Ricerca Ambientale


MONICEM: monitoring and control activities relating to electromagnetic fields in the radio frequency (RF) range”

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The research project "MONICEM: monitoring and control activities relating to electromagnetic fields in the radio frequency (RF) range " was produced by the Institute for Environmental Protection and Research (Ispra) and the Inter-University Centre for the Study of Interactions between Electromagnetic Fields and Biosystems (ICEmB). The increasing development and dissemination of services and technologies based on the use and/or the emission of electromagnetic fields (EMF) generate electromagnetic field levels in the environment at times well above the natural background level. In particular, there is a considerable attention to those services and technologies that use electromagnetic waves at radio frequency (RF) in the band between 80 MHz and 5 GHz, such as broadcasting systems, mobile base stations and wireless networks in general. In this perspective, the search for innovative methods and techniques for minimizing the levels of EMF radiation, with the same quality of service offered, is a major milestone in the development of telecommunications.
This issue is complex because of the many implicated technologies, involving signals of different frequencies and power at stake, combined with the continually evolving of scientific and technical knowledge. The identification of optimal techniques for the reduction of exposure can’t develop independently of other issues, including the optimization of implant placement (best-siting). This last aspect, in fact, has to be correlated with the reduction of CEM techniques, taking into account, for example, the impact in terms of size and geographic positioning of technology choices and design of new plants. In range of this project  it has been developed an indicator of environmental impact (FIAE) based on the distribution of the electromagnetic field generated from a generic source. In this general framework, takes on great importance the involvement of all stakeholders to the problems of EMF exposure, which can’t be limited to institutions and companies active in this specific field, but must include the political-health authorities and also the general public. For several reasons all these aspects need to be involved in studies and impact assessments, the definition of specific guidelines and, in general, throughout the process of defining the associated problems.

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N. 134/2011