Istituto Superiore per la Protezione
e la Ricerca Ambientale


Effective from July 29 the Legislative decree 105/2015 that implement the directive Seveso III: recommendations for managers authority concerning notifications requirements and the related charging system

The Article 5, paragraph 3 of Legislative Decree 26 June 2015 n. 105 Implementation of Directive 2012/18/ EU on the control of major accident hazards involving dangerous substances entrusts to ISPRA the task to prepare and update the inventory of plants that can cause major accidents and the results of evaluation concerning safety reports and inspections; the inventory, which the Ministry of the Environment maintains the address and coordination, will be used even for the transmission by  managers authority of notifications foreseen byArticle 13 of the decree.

In the section Environmental services at the following link :

are reported recommendations  for mangers subject to the obligations of Article 13 of D.lgs.105 / 2015, as well as information on the related charging system