Istituto Superiore per la Protezione
e la Ricerca Ambientale


My City – photography competition

My City photo competition invites European citizens to share what urban environment means to them. They can choose to depict a European city of their choice, tell a positive or a negative story through their submissions. Participants can focus on one of the following three categories:

  1. Sustainable lifestyle in a city
    How does my lifestyle impact the environment? Can I change my shopping list and eating habits to help combat climate change? A shower or a bath? Solar panels or a vegetable garden on my roof?
  2. Getting around in a city
    Do I cycle or drive? What is the quickest and most pleasant way to get to work or school? Do I enjoy the journey on public transport?
  3. Leisure time in a city
    A stroll in the parks or a dive in the lake? Going to the theatre or for a run? What is the best way of experiencing my city? How do I spend my free time?

Competition winners will receive a cash prize, and all entries may be promoted by the EEA and its partners across Europe.


Deadline: 15 August 2016


Further information