Istituto Superiore per la Protezione
e la Ricerca Ambientale


Approved the Convention between ISPRA - Civil Protection Department for SiAM

The Convention signed between ISPRA and the Civil Protection Department for a collaborative relationship in institutional activities aimed at the development of knowledge and methodologies useful for the functioning of the National Alert System for Tsunami Generated by Earthquake (SiAM) 

ISPRA has the task of providing real-time sea level data detected by the mareographic network to the INGV Tsunami Warning Center (CAT), which verifies the possibility that a specific seismic event with an epicenter in the sea, or in proximity of coastal areas, can generate a tsunami, estimating the arrival times of the waves and the potentially affected coastal stretches. INGV avails itself of the collaboration of ISPRA for the confirmation of a possible tsunami and rapidly informs the DPC which is responsible for launching the alert throughout the national territory, mobilizing all the components of the civil protection system and its operational bodies.