Istituto Superiore per la Protezione
e la Ricerca Ambientale


COASTANCE European Project "Regional Strategic Actions for the adaptation of coastal zones to climate change"

Technical seminar

Roma, 26-27 January 2012 - ISPRA, Via Brancati 48 The representatives of six European regions will participate in the technical seminar: "Regional Strategic Actions for the adaptation of coastal zones to climate change", promoted within the European project COASTANCE, to be held on 26 and 27 January in Rome at ISPRA's headquarters. The project COASTANCE, funded by the European Union with 1.9 million euro, with Lazio Region and six other European regions as partners, aims to capitalize the experience gained by the public administration in the EU project management, in order to develop operational tools for the management of coastal protection and adaptation to climate change. The following subjects are involved: the Region of Eastern Macedonia and Thrace (Greece), as project leader; the Region of Crete (Greece), the Department of Herault (France), Emilia Romagna (Italy), the Region Languedoc-Roussillon (France), the Region of Andalusia (Spain), in addition to the Ministry of Works and Communication of Cyprus and the Regional Development Agency of the County of Dubrovnik Neretva (Croatia). Within the project COASTANCE the Lazio Region is responsible for the guidelines for environmental impact studies of plans and works of coastal defense.