Istituto Superiore per la Protezione
e la Ricerca Ambientale


Training course on ‘Geo-hydraulic risk and Cultural Heritage’, Jordan July 2022

A training course on ‘Geo-hydraulic risk and Cultural Heritage’ will be organized in the UNESCO site of Petra (Jordan) from 24 to 29 July 2022 with the participation of geologists of the Department for the Geological Survey of Italy. The training course, organized by SELA (SELA for Training and Protection of Heritage) on behalf of the Department of Antiquities of Jordan (DOA) and the Petra Archaeological Park (PAP), will be addressed to 25 young technicians from the DOA and individuals from the local community. The course will follow a similar training course organized in March 2019.

Class lectures and practical field activities will be carried out in the Archaeological Park on topics such as the analysis of the geological and hydraulic characteristics of the Petra area and their impact on the conservation of the monuments potentially at risk. In particular, a design and implementation of geo-hydraulic mitigation interventions will be undertaken in a pilot area of the PAP, following methodologies already applied by ISPRA in previous projects in Petra (i.e. ‘UNESCO Siq Stability Project’, ‘Geological Conservation of the Temple of Winged Lions).