Istituto Superiore per la Protezione
e la Ricerca Ambientale



The Life CONCEPTU MARIS concludes the first phase of transferring of the multidisciplinary protocol for the monitoring of cetaceans

The Life CONCEPTU MARIS concludes with September the first phase of transferring of the multidisciplinary protocol for the monitoring of cetaceans, sea turtles and ecological processes through visual, environmental DNA, isotopes and sensors techniques.  The protocol, developed in a core area of the Tyrrhenian Sea, was transferred this summer to the key areas of the Spanish Cetacean Migration Corridor, the Pelagos Sanctuary and the Adriatic Region.

Photographic exhibition Deep Colours of the Mediterranean

Oct 23, 2023 to Feb 18, 2024 Rio de Janeiro,
The photographic exhibition Deep Colours of the Mediterranean, hosted at the Italian Cultural Institute of Rio de Janeiro, will be on display at the Naval Museum of Rio from 23 October to 23 December. This initiative is part of the context organized by the Consulate General of Italy Rio de Janeiro in view of the arrival in the bay of the Amerigo Vespucci, a training ship of the Italian Navy, during the round-the-world trip it is undertaking over a 20-month period. A unique opportunity to communicate the results of Italian research to the wider public, combining the scientific approach with a popular language. Discovering environments and species that live in the "bowels" of the Mediterranean, between 50 and 400 meters deep: this is the fascinating and surprising theme of the photographic exhibition created by ISPRA.

International Day for Disaster Risk Reduction

Oct 13, 2023
The International Day for Natural Disaster Risk Reduction, known worldwide as the International Day for Disaster Risk Reduction, is celebrated on October 13. The day was created at the behest of the United Nations General Assembly in 1989. The objective of establishing this day is to send an important signal to the governments of all the countries of the world as well as to international organizations and the global population, to reflect on the ever greater frequency and consistency with which natural disasters occur.

Didacta Italy Siclian edition

Oct 12, 2023 to Oct 14, 2023 Catania,
Fiera Didacta Italia, the most important national trade fair event dedicated to the world of schools, universities, training and scientific research, returns to Sicily from 12 to 14 October in collaboration with the Sicilian Region. On 13 October, at the stand of the Sicily Region managed by the Environment Department in collaboration with ARPA Sicily, the meeting "Earth observation in high school and beyond" organized by ISPRA and the Polytechnic of Milan will be held.

The Italian System in the ecological and energy transition of the territories

Oct 12, 2023 from 09:00 AM to 01:00 PM Streaming live,
The fight against climate change and the mitigation of its effects will be the great challenges of the century. To date, the Euro-Mediterranean area is among the most exposed to damage resulting from Planet Fever: extreme meteorological phenomena, drought, desertification are just some of the examples before everyone's eyes. Among the anthropic activities that release greater quantities of greenhouse gases are those resulting from the use of fossil fuels. As regards Europe, it is estimated, for example, that energy processes caused 78% of the EU's total emissions in 2015. The types of energy sources and consumption therefore have an enormous impact on the climate.

ITALY and ENVIRONMENT: Status, Prospects and Scenarios

The ISPRA publication "Italy and the Environment: Status, Prospects and Scenarios" is online and offers an overall reading of the state of the environment in Italy observed through the lens of the main economic-environmental strategies such as the European Green Deal and the VIII Action for the European environment.

LIFE Conceptu Maris: the balance of the summer of sightings

Over the summer, over 40 scientists from LIFE Conceptu Maris, together with dozens of volunteers, embarked in the central and western Mediterranean on the ferries of the main shipping companies, transformed for the occasion into floating laboratories for open sea research. And while their binoculars scanned the horizon in search of cetaceans, turtles and sea birds, in the engine room of a selected number of boats, water samples were collected for chemical and environmental DNA analysis

Workshop: Alpine Biodiversity through the Climate Lenstices

Oct 05, 2023 Online event,
The event aims is to exchange information on the impacts of climate change on biodiversity in the Alps, analyze the harmonization of biodiversity data in the Alps, and network and identify synergies between the Alpine Climate Board (ACB) and the Alpine Biodiversity Board (ABB) of the Alpine Convention.

ISPRA participates in the 40th Anci annual assembly

Oct 24, 2023 to Oct 26, 2023 Genoa,
From 24 to 26 October, in the Blue Pavilion of the Genoa Fair, the annual Assembly of the ANCI returns, now in its fortieth edition. The title chosen this year is “Three colors on the heart. Mayors unite Italy." The inaugural day on Tuesday 24th will take place in the presence of the President of the Republic Sergio Mattarella. Mayors, institutions and the business world will meet to discuss current and future challenges.

Networking protects the sea. Life Sea.Net project

Oct 11, 2023 Massa Lubrense (NA),
The objective of this event, carried out within the initiatives envisaged by the LIFE Sea.Net project, is to connect the protection experiences implemented by the managers of marine areas and protected marine sites, create synergies between the various entities that deal with the use and valorisation of the sea in protected areas with the final objective of creating a network to effectively protect the sea. During the workshop, in particular, the activities of the European Life Sea.Net project will be presented, coordinated by Legambiente and co-financed by the EU LIFE Programme, which aims to spread knowledge of Natura 2000 marine sites and improve their management.

Started the communication campaign “Let's Circulate - Your actions matter”

Two commercials on the fight against food waste and correct separate waste collection In fact, from 16 October, on TV, on social media and on digital channels, the communication campaign "Let's Circulate - Your actions matter", created by the Ministry of Business and Made in Italy and ISPRA, will begin. The campaign is made up of two commercials, focused on the fight against food waste and correct separate waste collection, the objective of which is to raise citizens' awareness towards more sustainable consumption behaviours, a concept highlighted by the unique claim "Your actions matter" which recalls the possibility , for each consumer, to do a lot, in terms of environmental sustainability, through small daily habits.

Research Days 2023

Oct 23, 2023 from 09:30 AM to 12:30 PM Università Campus Bio-Medico di Roma,
During the research day, in a round table, external guests and researchers from the Campus Bio-Medico University will discuss the challenges for the society of the future by addressing different themes inherent to the research activities of the three Departmental Faculties. The ISPRA President, Stefano Laporta and the General Director, Maria Siclari, are participating in the meeting.

ISPRA at Earth Technology Expo 2023

Nov 15, 2023 to Nov 18, 2023 Firenze, Fortezza da Basso,
Promoted by EWA - Earth and Water Agenda Foundation, Civil Protection, ISPRA/SNPA, National Fire Brigade and ANBI, Earth Technology Expo will see 200 scientists, representatives of institutions, specialized technicians, researchers, experts, engaged in 100 for four days meetings on problems and strategies to mitigate climate risks by increasing knowledge and awareness of looming dangers, and to activate defenses and self-defenses against increasingly extreme weather and climate events

The wolf, from forests to urban areas

Oct 27, 2023 from 09:00 AM to 04:30 PM Ancona,
The conference, planned for Friday 27 October 2023, in Ancona, at the Faculty of Agriculture of the Polytechnic University of Marche, addresses issues relating to the state of the wolf population in Italy and management aspects.

Presentation of the Report UNIRIMA 2023

Oct 24, 2023 from 10:00 AM to 01:00 PM Rome,
The Unirima report, now in its sixth edition, aims to offer an overview of the sector of collection, recovery, recycling and trade of waste paper, with data, insights into the economic aspects and a picture of the international scenarios updated until September 2023, of a historic sector of the Italian green industry, which contributes substantially to the achievement of our country's recycling objectives.

Meeting between ISPRA and the "Wangari Maathai" research institute of Kenya

Oct 17, 2023 Nairobi - Kenya,
The ISPRA responsible of the Area for the conservation and management of flora, vegetation and forests, habitats and soil ecosystems and for the sustainable use of agroforestry resources met in Nairobi (Kenya) with the responsibles of the Institute of "Wangari Maathai" research to evaluate possible areas of international cooperation and strengthening of local capacities on topics of mutual interest: nature protection-restoration, environmental impact assessment, sustainable bioenergy, waste management and environmental communication.

Corepla's role for the culture of sustainability

Oct 18, 2023 from 10:00 AM to 12:30 PM Rome, Acquario Romano/online,
Sustainability Report 2022: the Consortium's commitment to the environment, the economy and the community The National Consortium for the Collection, Recycling and Recovery of Plastic Packaging promotes an initial moment of comparison and scenario analysis in light of the "2022 Sustainability Report".

VI National Forum "The bioeconomy of forests"

Oct 31, 2023 from 09:30 AM to 02:00 PM Rome, Spazio Sette Libreria, via dei Barbieri 7,
The VI national forum "The bioeconomy of forests" will be held on 31 October in Rome. The participation of the Responsible of the Area for the conservation and management of flora, vegetation and forests, habitats and soil ecosystems and for the sustainable use of ISPRA agroforestry resources

On the side of the planet

Nov 09, 2023 from 04:30 PM to 06:30 PM Webinar,
Nature is our lifeline, but it is deteriorating. The EU and its countries are working on a regulation that for the first time will set binding targets for the restoration of ecosystems, habitats and species. What does the Nature Restoration Law approved (with a narrow majority) by the European Parliament provide? Will it really cause an increase in unemployment in various areas or will it be an added value rather than a cost.