Istituto Superiore per la Protezione
e la Ricerca Ambientale


Kick-off Meeting of Project “PAWA – Pilot Arno Water Accounts”

  • When Jan 28, 2014 from 09:00 AM to 04:00 PM (GMT+0 / UTC0)
  • Where Florence
  • Add event to calendar iCal


The project " Pawa - Pilot Arno Water Accounts" started at the beginning of January as part of the funding call announced by the
Directorate General Environment of the European Commission (DG ENV), with the aim of promoting preventive actions on European basins against desertification through a sustainable management of water resources.
This project aims to test over the Arno River Basin (pilot basin) the
method "SEEA-W: System of Environmental-Economic Accounting for Water". The method will be adopted by DG ENV for the calculation of water accounts at basin and continental scale. In addition, PAWA aims to usethe water accounts to assess the potential impacts of
combining different measures related to water resource management. This will help to identify water efficiency targets for future integration into the Arno River Basin Management Plan (RBMP).
The project, which involves the participation of ISPRA (leader), the
Arno River Basin Authority  (AdB Arno) and the International Organization SEMIDE/EMWIS, will hold its first coordination and planning meeting on January 28th at the AdB Arno premises. In March it will be held the first meeting with the stakeholders and local experts directly involved in the application of the method SEEA-W.