Istituto Superiore per la Protezione
e la Ricerca Ambientale


Inspection ISPRA/Arpa Sicilia in Milazzo

The Ministry of Environment, asked to ISPRA, last 13 march, to make an inspections together with ARPA Sicilia to assess the crisis state declared by port authority of Milazzo, after the pollution produced by the hydrocarbons that affected the stretch of sea and the coast on which the refinery of  Milazzo is located.

The operation ISPRA-ARPA in the whole of the National System for Environmental Protection (SNPA), has enabled in a quick and efficient way to acquire information on the event dynamicand to verify the effectiveness of the first emergency safety measures, consisting of a draining trench, implemented by the refinery manager, to reduce the environmental impacts.

ISPRA and ARPA Sicilia will continue to monitoring the situation to provide the support to the Institutions that have to manage the emergency issue.
