Istituto Superiore per la Protezione
e la Ricerca Ambientale



Carbon Dioxide Intensity Indicators
Reports   2007
Physico-chemical characterization of bio-stabilization plants from mechanical biological treatment of waste
Reports   2007
Quality Assurance/Quality Control Plan for the Italian Emission Inventory. Year 2007
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Reports   2007
Seminar : "High nature value farmland areas: identification, preservation, enhancement "
Reports   2007
The indicators of sustainable development in Mediterranean sea - Italy 2007
Reports   2007
Waste Report 2007
Reports   2007
The protection of species of wild flora and fauna: regional legislative framework
-   75 / 2006
Results of the intercomparison campaign organized by APAT to the 2004-2005 about gamma measures on sources flat disk
Reports   74 / 2006
Methodologies, techincs and procedures to reduce emissions on the environment of the electromagnetic field
Reports   73 / 2006
Survey on the use of the growth regulators on the floriculture
Reports   72 / 2006
The ecotoxicology in aquatic environments
Reports   71 / 2006
Italian Greenhouse Gas Inventory 1990-2004
Reports   70 / 2006
Update on the observations on the tide levels in Venezia
Reports   69 / 2006
Tidegraphic weather observation stations in the lagoon of Venice and over coastal northern Adriatic
Reports   68 / 2006
Weather observation stations - in the lagoon of Venice and over coastal northern Adriatic Sea
Reports   68 / 2006
Study on production factor of wastes in the tannery sector
Reports   66 / 2006
Effects of the use of stabilized organic fraction in environmental restoration activities
Reports   65 / 2006
Quality Assurance/Quality Control Plan for the Italian Emission Inventory - Year 2006
Reports   2006
Waste Report 2006
Reports   2006
Methodologies used in Italy for the estimation of air emission inventory in the agriculture sector
Reports   64 / 2005