Istituto Superiore per la Protezione
e la Ricerca Ambientale



G20 of Rome: final declaration

The G20 in Rome ended on 31 October, on behalf of the MiTE, the ISPRA experts contributed to the drafting of the chapters dedicated to the environment of the final declaration of the G20.

Circular economy: a bet for the restart of Italy

Nov 24, 2021 from 06:30 PM to 07:30 PM Webinar,
In the whole of the   Festival delle Scienze di Roma next 24 november there will be the webinar: "Circular economy: a bet for the restart of Italy". In this meeting, ENEA and ISPRA will shed some light on the concept of "circular economy": not a slogan, but a new economic model, a turnaround whose success is desirable to safeguard the future of the planet and its resources.

Urban ecosystem

Nov 08, 2021 from 09:45 AM to 12:00 PM Online event,
Presentation of the Report on the environmental performance of cities 2021 On Monday 8 November, Legambiente is presenting the data of the 28th edition of Ecosistema Urbano - the annual report on the environmental livability of the provincial capitals, produced in collaboration with Ambiente Italia and the magazine Il Sole 24 ore.

ISPRA participation in Sealogy 2021

Nov 18, 2021 to Nov 20, 2021 Ferrara,
PNRR - Restoration and protection of the seabed and marine habitats for a sustainable blue economy The 2021 edition of Sealogy, the European Blue Economy Exhibition, will be held in Ferrara from 18 to 20 November. ISPRA will be present at the event and is organizing on November 19, together with the MiTE, the conference "PNRR - Restoration and protection of the seabed and marine habitats for a sustainable blue economy".

Presentation Dossier Ecomafia 2021

Nov 16, 2021 from 11:00 AM to 12:30 PM Rome,
The stories and numbers of environmental crimes in Italy On November 16, Legambiente presents the annual report dedicated to environmental illegalities. At the meeting the ISPRA DG Alessandro Bratti will participate

5 November is the World Tsunami Awareness Day

Nov 05, 2021
Tsunamis are rare events but can have disastrous impacts. During the last century, 58 tsunami events caused more than 260.000 causalities overcoming any other natural hazard in the world. In the next decade half people on Earth will live on territories affected by possible natural risks, tsunamis included. Therefore, it is important to adopt plans for impacts mitigation.

Transparency: pillar of the Paris Agreement

Among the most important issues of COP26 in the field of Transparency are the methodological issues established in the Paris Agreement. These are issues on which ISPRA experts play a fundamental role in the Italian delegation thanks to their experience and the capacity of ISPRA in the creation of the national inventory of greenhouse gases.

CHANGE WE CARE: final conference

Nov 11, 2021 from 09:00 AM to 01:00 PM Online event,
The presentation event of the results of the territorial cooperation project between Italy and Croatia will be held in virtual mode on Thursday 11 November from 9 to 13.

Project for the protection and enhancement of urban and extra-urban green areas related to the PNRR

Objective: to plant 6.6 million trees, involving 14 Italian metropolitan cities The Ministry of Ecological Transition signed the 300 million euro agreement for the protection and enhancement of urban and extra-urban green areas envisaged by the Pnrr together with ISPRA, Cufa, Istat and the inter-university research center "Biodiversity, Ecosystem Services and Sustainability" (Cirbises ) of the Sapienza University of Rome. The Project is one of the important commitments envisaged by the National Recovery and Resilience Plan.

ICAT project: ISPRA technical support to Vietnam

With the technical support of ISPRA, Vietnam, a country participating in the ICAT project, presented the NDC update. With this update, it is committed to taking drastic action to respond to climate change. In line with its socio-economic development strategy, Vietnam has pledged to reduce total greenhouse gas emissions by 9% with national resources, reaching up to 27% with international support.

The Italian long-term strategy on the reduction of greenhouse gas emissions: emission scenarios and historical trends

In January 2021, the Ministry of the Environment published the Italian long-term strategy on the reduction of greenhouse gas emissions. The document is the result of the collaboration, launched in 2019, between different Ministries and is largely based on the studies and analyzes of a technical working group in which ISPRA, RSE, GSE, Politecnico di Milano, ENEA and CMCC participated.

2nd International Agrobiodiversity Congress

Nov 15, 2021 to Nov 18, 2021 Online event,
From 15 to 18 it will be held  2nd International Agrobiodiversity Congress , launched by Italian Foreign Ministry and International Cooperation,  CGIAR  and  Alliance of Bioversity International and CIAT , organized in collaboration with a vast number of partner, included ISPRA

Accelerate digital health

Nov 11, 2021 Rome,
Accelerating digital health is a necessity on which Italian and international experts will meet in Rome on Thursday 11 November from 10.15 at the Cardinal Gallery.

28th plenary session of the European Agencies for the Conservation of Nature

Nov 16, 2021 to Nov 17, 2021 Online event,
The 28th plenary session of the European Agencies for the Conservation of Nature (ENCA Network) will take place from 16 to 17. The main topics of this session will be the adaptation of principles and practices for nature conservation to climate change and the "transformative change" of our ways of producing, transforming, consuming natural resources and how this can affect protection measures. and restoration of nature.