Istituto Superiore per la Protezione
e la Ricerca Ambientale


ISPRA research : a lot of protected species live in Capo Milazzo

In the period between April and June 2015, ISPRA in the whole part of the project Regional Observatory of Biodiversity of the Sicilian Region has carried out  a campaign of investigation along the coast of Capo Milazzo (ME) with the aim to establish new marine SCI (Site of Community Importance). The activities allowed  the identification of important animal and plant communities included in the national regulations, European directives ( Habitat 2,3, 4) and International conventions ( Berna, Cities).

Specifically were characterized: 1) grass of  Posidonia oceanica (Habitat code 1120), 2) Habitat of Reefs (Habitat code 1170); 3) submerged and semisubmerged sea caves (Habitat code 8330) . In addition, it was found a significant population of Red Coral and Savalia savaglia (false black coral) that is strictly protected by D.M 16 October 1998 and is also included in Annex II of the Bern Convention and Annex II of the Protocol concerning Specially Protected Areas and Biodiversity in the Mediterranean (Barcelona Convention)