Istituto Superiore per la Protezione
e la Ricerca Ambientale


All more responsable for seas and oceans

Last 20 March, in a meeting at the European Parliament in Brussels, the manifesto drawn up by the MARINA and ResponSEAble projects, both funded by the European research and innovation program H2020, was presented to promote the co-creation and sharing of a more widespread scientific knowledge on issues related to seas and oceans, as a precondition for a more punctual and effective involvement of all actors in a more responsible management of these important resources and for more conscious and shared management.

The MANIFESTO represents the product of the international conference "2019 Ocean Dialogues", a joint event of the two European projects that ISPRA, with the support of the CNR and APRE, respectively coordinator and referent of the communication of the MARINA project, organized in Brussels on 18 and 19 March


Press release /news on our MARINA website


