Istituto Superiore per la Protezione
e la Ricerca Ambientale


Quaterly bulletin on a research funding

A new bioeconomy strategy for a sustainable europe

The Commission has recently put forward an action plan to develop a sustainable and circular bioeconomy that serves Europe's society, environment and economy.

The new bioeconomy strategy is part of the Commission's drive to boost jobs, growth and investment in the EU. It aims to improve and scale up the sustainable use of renewable resources to address global and local challenges such as climate change and sustainable development.

In a world of finite biological resources and ecosystems, an innovation effort is needed to feed people, and provide them with clean water and energy. The bioeconomy can turn algae into fuel, recycle plastic, convert waste into new furniture or clothing or transform industrial by-products into bio-based fertilisers. It has the potential to generate 1 million new green jobs by 2030.

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Technical Periodicals