Istituto Superiore per la Protezione
e la Ricerca Ambientale



Let's circulate. Your actions matter

Oct 24, 2023 from 11:30 AM to 01:00 PM Rome, ISPRA headquarters,
October 24th is the key stage of the Let's Circular campaign created by ISPRA in collaboration and with the financing of MIMIT - Ministry of Business and Made in Italy. The event, organized at ISPRA to underline the openness of our Institute to the various stakeholders, was born with a very specific objective: to take stock of the most important stages of the Let's Circular campaign, which began in 2021. Let's Circulate has two key themes on which ISPRA has made the expertise of its experts available: separate waste collection and food waste. Save the date Program Let's circulate Video spot 1  -  Video spot 2

Presentation of the Report “Land consumption, territorial dynamics and ecosystem services”

Oct 25, 2023 from 10:00 AM to 12:00 PM
On 25 October the 2023 edition of the Report "Land consumption, territorial dynamics and ecosystem services" by the National System for Environmental Protection (SNPA) will be presented. The Report, together with the cartography and databases of indicators available for each Italian municipality, provides an updated picture of the land cover transformation processes and allows us to evaluate land degradation and the impact of land consumption, urbanization and infrastructure on the landscape and ecosystem services. Programma Diretta streaming Press release (ita) Main data at regional, provincial and municipal level Regional data

The resilience of cities in relation to their subsoil and climate extremes

Oct 25, 2023 from 03:00 PM to 05:45 PM Fiera di Genova, Padiglione Blu, Stand ISPRA,
ISPRA's geological-urban activities and the Urban Geo-climate Footprint project In what geological and climatic context are our cities founded? What problems arise from the characteristics of the place where the city was built? What tools does ISPRA offer to learn and be more aware of these issues?

RADON risk and energy efficiency interventions

Oct 18, 2023 from 10:30 AM to 04:00 PM Rome, Piazza della Pilotta, 4,
On 18 October 2023 in Rome, from 10.30 to 16.00, at the Spazio Roma Eventi Fontana di Trevi, the conference "Radon risk and energy efficiency measures" will take place, organized as part of the MASE-ISPRA collaboration agreement to support prevention activities and reduce the risk of exposure to indoor radon. Program

The movement and reuse of sediments in inland waters, coastal marine waters and lagoons: towards circular management

Oct 26, 2023 from 09:00 AM to 12:30 PM Fiera di Genova, Padiglione Blu, Stand ISPRA,
The event aims to explore the topic of sediment management in different environmental contexts, from a technical-scientific and regulatory perspective, bringing together subjects involved in different capacities and in the interest of municipal administrators. Despite the heterogeneity of data and the intrinsic complexity of sediments and other materials (e.g. plant residues), their management can be made simpler through versatile and easily accessible processing tools. The Workshop is designed as an open working table, with spaces for the presentation of problems by various experts and for the identification of operational paths. Program Video  Presentations Avvio Lavori Fulvio Onorati, ISPRA I principi del Masterplan della Costa Toscana e la gestione dei sedimenti per la valorizzazione delle coste Marco Masi, Regione Toscana Regolamento sabbie da opere di scavo – utilizzo per ripascimenti costieri Marta Novello, ARPA Veneto Ruolo e gestione delle fanerogame marine spiaggiate Luisa Nicoletti, ISPRA Sedimenti o suolo? Maurizio Guerra, ISPRA Dragaggi dei porti e opere infrastrutturali Annunziata Attolico, AdSP Mar Adriatico Meridionale Circolarità matrici solide Luigi Righini, Federazione Nazionale degli Ordini dei Chimici e dei Fisici Verso un nuovo Allegato tecnico al DM173 – focus sul ripascimento delle spiagge David Pellegrini, ISPRA Decreto 12 ottobre 2022, n. 205 “Regolamento recante criteri per la redazione del progetto di gestione degli INVASI di cui all’articolo 114, commi 2, 3 e 4 del D. Lgs 152/06” Nicoletta Calace, ISPRA L’approccio WoE applicato alla gestione dei sediment in ambiente lagunare: Il caso della Laguna di Venezia Maurizio Ferla, ISPRA

Contaminated sites and remediation in Italian municipalities

Oct 25, 2023 from 02:00 PM to 03:00 PM Fiera di Genova, Padiglione Blu, Stand ISPRA,
The conference "Contaminated sites and remediation in Italian municipalities" will be held on 25 October at 2.00 pm at the ISPRA stand. During the event, the MOSAICO platform , the national information system on reclamation process sites, will be illustrated and there will be a moment of discussion between Administrators/Technicians on the experiences relating to the management of reclamation procedures in their territory

Rome: walking in geodiversity

Oct 06, 2023 Rome,
On the occasion of the second international day of geodiversity proclaimed by UNESCO, ISPRA and the Italian Society of Environmental Geology are organizing the urban excursion "Rome: walking in geodiversity" for a class of the Liceo Scientifico Marcello Malpighi school. Walking in the historic center you will be able to reconstruct the geological history that allowed the birth and development of the Eternal City and admire the decorative stones coming from the territories of the Roman Empire, which today adorn churches and monuments and represent a glimpse into the geodiversity of the Mediterranean basin.

The National Biodiversity Network: collecting and sharing data for the conservation of biodiversity

Oct 24, 2023 from 09:00 AM to 04:30 PM Rome, Orto Botanico,
Promoting the dissemination of knowledge on biodiversity through web platforms and information systems is one of the commitments undertaken as part of the "National Strategy for Biodiversity to 2030", the national strategic document to guarantee the conservation and lasting use of biological diversity in Italy . From its implementation to today, the National Biodiversity Network (NNB), the technical infrastructure managed by ISPRA on behalf of the Ministry of the Environment and Energy Security (MASE), according to data sharing and visualization parameters, allows the contents of the databases provided by the bodies responsible for monitoring biodiversity and represents a valid tool for sharing knowledge on the topic.