Istituto Superiore per la Protezione
e la Ricerca Ambientale


Earthquake event in Turkey, February 6, 2023

An earthquake of magnitude M 7.9 was localized at 02:17 Italian time on 6 February 2023 in the south-eastern part of Turkey, on the border with Syria. The earthquake had a hypocenter about 20 km deep and was strongly felt throughout the southern area of ​​Turkey and also in Syria.

Due to the high magnitude and relative proximity to the sea, the Tsunami Alert Center-INGV had issued a tsunami alert for the Mediterranean, the alert returned at 7.15 am Italian time.

ISPRA has the task of providing real-time sea level data detected by the tide gauge network to the INGV Tsunami Warning Centre, which verifies the possibility that a specific seismic event with an epicenter in the sea, or near areas coasts, can generate a tsunami, estimating the arrival times of the waves and the potentially affected coastal stretches. INGV avails itself of the collaboration of ISPRA for the confirmation of a possible tsunami and rapidly informs the DPC which is responsible for launching the alert throughout the national territory, mobilizing all the components of the civil protection system.