Istituto Superiore per la Protezione
e la Ricerca Ambientale


Towards a blue economy in Europe with maritime spatial planning and integrated coastal management

The European Commission has recently presented to the Council and the European Parliament a proposal for a directive establishing a framework for maritime spatial planning ( MSP) and integrated coastal management (ICZM). The objective of this proposal is to establish a common European framework for maritime spatial planning and integrated coastal management in EU Member States aiming at ensuring the development of maritime and coastal activities and the use of resources at sea and on coasts in a sustainable way. A coherent application of maritime spatial planning and integrated coastal management should improve coordination between land- and sea-based activities. According to the proposed directive Member States should map these activities in maritime spatial plans and develop coastal management strategies able to promote a sustainable growth, while involving relevant stakeholders and cooperating with neighboring states. The use of a single instrument should also encourage investors and reduce the administrative burden for national administrations and operators, while preserving ecosystem services. By facilitating sustainable development and investments at sea, the Directive will contribute to make real the potential of Europe's Blue Economy for growth and jobs. This new tool will also facilitate the implementation of EU environment legislation such as the Marine Strategy Framework Directive and the Habitats Directive.