Istituto Superiore per la Protezione
e la Ricerca Ambientale


Competition QUALeidEA 2014. The ideas of young people to protect the environment


After the success of the first edition which involved more than 3,000 students, the competition organized by the Regional Agency for Environmental Protection of Veneto, in collaboration with the Regional School Office of Veneto and addressed to primary and secondary schools of Veneto is back with a second edition. The soil, the environment in art, landscape and beauty, nature at school: these are the issues on which the competitors must present the projects, according to the procedures described in the manual "The School and Environmental Education: project according to quality."
To take part you must submit the application form before 20 Decembe, while the card project must be received by May 6, 2014. There will be prizes for the best projects and the recognition of "Quality Project" . The best proposals selected will be included in the Network for Environmental Education IN.FEA present on ARPA Veneto's website and on the Regional School for the Veneto's website.


Further information