Istituto Superiore per la Protezione
e la Ricerca Ambientale


Quality Assurance/Quality Control Plan for the Italian Emission Inventory. Procedures Manual 2014

This document summarizes the Quality Assurance (QA) Quality Control (QC) activities and different verification procedures which have to be implemented thoroughly the annual inventory compilation as part of the estimation process in the context of the UNFCCC and Kyoto protocol, and the EU Monitoring Mechanism.

Activities are divided into general and source- specific procedures according to the relevance of emissions from the specific inventory category. Procedures to be followed are also detailed for the National Inventory report and the CRF formats, data reporting to the UNFCCC.

In addition, a specific section illustrates the procedure of archiving all the inventory documentation, from official data communicated to the results of the review processes.

Finally, a description of how to plan further improvements of the inventory and prioritize the next year steps is presented.

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