Istituto Superiore per la Protezione
e la Ricerca Ambientale


European Mobility Week 2021: Move sustainable, safe and healthy - The safety of the urban cyclist

In the whole of the Mobility Actions, ISPRA has published, in cooperation with FIAB and Ciclomobilisti e with the patronage of the Ministry of Ecological Transition, the Guide : "La sicurezza del ciclista urbano: una responsabilità condivisa. Suggerimenti per la sicurezza attiva, norme e leggi." ("The safety of the urban cyclist: a shared responsibility. Active safety tips, rules and laws").

The aim is to promote the responsible use of the bicycle to move around the city, providing suggestions  to  addressed to cyclists but also to motorists, on the behaviors to follow and the rules on road safety for those who use the bike.
Among the concepts highlighted: a) the road belongs to everyone and requires attention; b) everyone has their own responsibility in relation to the means and speed; c) the culture of sharing the road brings benefits to people and contributes to environmental sustainability.