Istituto Superiore per la Protezione
e la Ricerca Ambientale


Press conference for the presentation of the law proposal n. 1274 "Protection and Valorization of abandoned mining sites and their historical, archaeological, landscape and environmental heritage"

In October 2015 a Memorandum of Understanding was signed i between ISPRA, MISE, LOMBARDIA REGION under the patronage of AIPAI and the major Italian mining parks and museums, which established the creation of a "National Network of Italian Mining Parks and Museums" - (ReMi) ", promoted by ISPRA and aimed at launching proposals to strengthen the regulatory framework to support the sector and develop a national forum.

It will be held Wednesday, January 16, 2019 from 13:00 at the Press Room - Montecitorio in via della Missione 4, the press conference to present the proposed law n. 1274 "Protection and Valorization of abandoned mining sites and their historical, archaeological, landscape and environmental heritage".

The law will be presented at the initiative of the Hon. Chiara Braga VIII Commission (environment, territory and public works) and parliamentary commission of inquiry on the illicit activities connected to the waste cycle and related environmental offenses. The national coordinator of the ReMI-ISPRA Network will take part in the conference.

Entrance reserved

Program  Press release