Istituto Superiore per la Protezione
e la Ricerca Ambientale


Report "Situation report on forest biomass in the Mediterranean region"

The report "Situation report on forest biomass use in the Mediterranean region" about the use of biomass for energy in the countries of the North Mediterranean Sea has a focus on Italy written by ISPRA, Region of Sicily and Foundation of Lombardy for the Environment.

ISPRA is involved in the project PROFORBIOMED, financed by the European Regional Development Fund (ERDF), within the MED program "Improving the energy efficiency and promotion of renewable energy sources."

The project, carried out by a consortium of 18 institutions (, aims to develop an integrated strategy for the sustainable use of forest biomass in the Mediterranean area. The strategy is based on innovation, not only technological but also legal, and on the involvement of the stakeholders

Situation report on forest biomass use in Mediterranean region