Preparation for reuse, good practices for circular inclusion
A webinar streaming live on Facebook di Economie Circolari to analyze the situation in Italy on the subject of preparing for reuse in the experience of ...
Located in
Year 2021
Started the second phase of the National Wolf Monitoring
In the meeting with the technicians involved in the project, the consolidation and data analysis activities for the coming months were illustrated
Located in
Year 2021
Soil consumption: the city of Rome loses ground at the rate of 100 hectares a year, as many as 150 football fields built every 365 days
The project Soil4life underlines how land consumption in Rome is advancing at the rate of 150 football fields every year (100 hectares a year). To counter ...
Located in
Year 2021
Science together and the NET Project for the European Researchers' Night 2021.
A new edition of the European Researchers' Night is back, the European Commission's initiative to bring citizens closer to the world of research. Researchers ...
Located in
Year 2021
Plastic Busters MPAs takes you on a journey in Sicily of learning, knowledge sharing and collective action towards a litter-free Mediterranean
On the occasion of the Ocean World Day (8 June), the team of Plastic Busters MPAs will go to the Marine Protected Area of Capo Milazzo to continue the ...
Located in
Year 2021
Agreencoltura hi-tech supply chains for quality and adaptation to climate change
Earth Tech Expo will be held in Florence from 13 to 16 October 2021. The “technological showcase” of the Next Generation Eu. The first Expo of the "digital ...
Located in
Year 2021
Coasts in movement
1st National Conference of Coastal Landscapes At what stage are the transformation processes of coastal areas? And how are climate change and coastal ...
Located in
Year 2021
ISPRA publishes the Climate indicators in Italy 2020
The 16th report "Gli Indicatori del Clima in Italia" describes the Italian climate in the year 2020 and updates the estimate of climate variations in the last ...
Located in
Year 2021
Bathing 2021 in Italy
From April to September, the 8,300 km of Italian coasts are sampled over 32,000 times. And in most cases these are operators of the regional environmental ...
Located in
Year 2021
Posidonia oceanica: ISPRA documentary takes stock of 20 years of transplants
As with forests on land, damaged Posidonia oceanica meadows can also be recovered at sea. Thanks to the LIFE SEPOSSO European project, coordinated by ISPRA, ...
Located in
Year 2021