International Mediterranean Sea Day
The Mediterranean is a sea of wonders, history, culture and beauty to be protected and enhanced: a heritage that is celebrated on 8 July through an ...
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Citizen Science and National Biodiversity Network: how to actively participate
Through the video link, participants will be able to explore data and information on biodiversity contained in the platform of the National Biodiversity ...
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Citizen Science and National Biodiversity Network: RIVE project - field and laboratory activities
Together with the participants, we will go to the bank of the Tevere where the importance of riparian vegetation will be addressed. We will illustrate how this ...
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Citizen Science and National Biodiversity Network: Life BIOREPEM project
Less pollution, more sustainable cities What can municipal administrators and each of us do individually to reduce the use of biocides? We will talk about it ...
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Bees, pollinators, pollen and biodiversity
The well-being of many species besides ours is connected to bees, but also to other pollinating insects: they fly from flower to flower, mix pollen, fertilize ...
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More than 400 nests of Caretta Caretta marine turtle in Italy
To date more than 400 nests of Caretta Caretta marine turtles have been observed in Italy, mainly in Sicily, Calabria, Campania and Apulia Region. The ...
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Biodiversity change in the Anthropocene: research priorities
An open and dynamic scientific discussion on one of the main problems of our era The symposium, organized by the CNR, will be an active discussion, fueled by ...
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From balconies to urban green: good practices for the management of invasive alien species
The aim of the conference is to illustrate the delicate topic of invasive alien species and suggest the most correct gardening and green design practices to ...
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Posidonia Friend
The municipality of San Vincenzo (LI) is also promoting a project this year on the theme of environment and sustainability which has Posidonia as its ...
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Lead and hunting ammunition. Two paths destined to separate
Nationally renowned speakers will present data, research and scientific evidence that explain all the problems of lead poisoning which, every year in Europe ...
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