Initial seminar of the A.M.MI.R.ARE project
The launch of the project focused on the resilience of beaches in the western Mediterranean area, will be held in Pisa on Monday 25 and Tuesday 26 March at the ...
Located in
International Angel Shark day
On Friday 26th June, ISPRA is participating in the first ever International Angel Shark Day, and invite you to join us!
Located in
Year 2020
International day for the Mediterranean sea
The International Day of the Mediterranean Sea is celebrated on 8 July, an opportunity to raise awareness of the dangers that threaten the Mediterranean Sea. ...
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Year 2021
International Mediterranean Sea Day
The Mediterranean is a sea of wonders, history, culture and beauty to be protected and enhanced: a heritage that is celebrated on 8 July through an ...
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International photo contest "RAMOGE - Man and the sea"
RAMOGE Agreement* launches an international photo "RAMOGE - Man and the sea", with the wishes of the FIAP (International Federation Art Photographic) and a ...
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Year 2020
Investigate the abyss. Scientific research in the exploration of the seabed
The seabed has always fascinated humanity: today, thanks to ever new underwater technologies, it is possible to observe and study great depths, returning data, ...
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Year 2022
ISPRA and ARPA Sardegna: joint inspection to verify the state of health of the replanting of Posidonia in Porto Torres
On May 18, the technicians of ISPRA and ARPA Sardegna were together in the Gulf of Asinara to monitor the manually transplanted Posidonia oceanica meadow. The ...
Located in
Year 2023
ISPRA and SNPA at the Rome Science Festival
The 18th edition of the Rome Science Festival will be held from 18 to 23 April 2023 at the Auditorium Parco della Musica "Ennio Morricone". IMMAGINARI is ...
Located in
Year 2023
ISPRA and the Italian marine protected areas
Marine protected areas are an effective tool to protect marine biodiversity and ensure the sustainable use of resources. ISPRA has made a short video to ...
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Year 2020
ISPRA and the LIFE project Lagoon Refresh for the World Wetlands day
Every year on the 2 February is celebrated the World Wetlands day to increase the awareness on the important role that these areas have for the people and our ...
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Year 2021