ITALY and ENVIRONMENT: Status, Prospects and Scenarios
The new ISPRA report offers citizens, technicians, researchers, observers, and policy makers an accurate analysis of the state of the environment in Italy, ...
Located in
Luxury Publications
Italy's experience on sustainable bioenergy development and role the of GBEP within the international context
Located in
Year 2016
Lakes, mirror of climate change
Emerging phenomena, dynamics, potential and tools for the management and care of the Castelli Romani Park The anthropic impact, emerging pollutants, ...
Located in
Year 2023
Land degradation and Healthy soils: towards a glossary and monitoring system
ISPRA, in cooperation with CREA and with Teagasc, in the context of the EJP SOIL Program and in particular of the WP8 dedicated to the interface between ...
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Year 2023
Launch of the ASviS position paper on the national plan for adaptation to climate change and urban settlements
“Urban settlements in the National Plan for Adaptation to Climate Change” is the title of the new Position paper, created by the Working Group on Goal 11 ...
Located in
Year 2023
Launched the project interreg ADRIACLIM to develop monitoring tools and adapting strategies to contrast climate change in the Adriatic area
The project AdriaCLim "Tools of information, monitoring and climate change for the adapting strategies in the Adriatic coast areas is funded by the ...
Located in
Year 2020
LIFE MASTER ADAPT project concluded
Climate change impacts on cities and territories LIFE Master ADAPT (Main Streaming Experiences at Regional and local level for Adaptation to climate change), ...
Located in
Year 2020
Life Master Adapt: on line the video of the project
MASTER ADAPT, project co-funded by LIFE Programme EU, aims to develop an integrated and operative methodology so that Regions, metropolitan cities and ...
Located in
Year 2020
Life Master Adapt: published the guidelines for the strategies of climate change adapting
The Life MASTER ADAPT Project, a project co-funded by the EC LIFE Program, aims to develop an operational methodology for Regions, metropolitan cities and city ...
Located in
Year 2020
Living Planet Report 2022
Thursday 13 October will host the launch event of the Living Planet Report 2022, the WWF's global report on the health of the planet. The Report provides a ...
Located in
Year 2022