Istituto Superiore per la Protezione
e la Ricerca Ambientale


Launched the project interreg ADRIACLIM to develop monitoring tools and adapting strategies to contrast climate change in the Adriatic area

The project AdriaCLim "Tools of information, monitoring and climate change for the adapting strategies in the Adriatic coast areas is funded by the cooperation programme Interreg Italy-Croatia and it is coordinated by Arpae and involves 19 partner between research institutes, universities, and companies of both Countries.

ISPRA is one of the Italian partners, the one most involved in activities related to the enhancement and development of weather-marine monitoring systems. It will participate in the definition of indicators for the characterization of the effects of climate change on the marine-coastal environment, in pilot areas, with a focus on the physical, hydrodynamic and aspects of interest for aquaculture, contributing to the development of strategies and plans for adaptation to climate changes.
The kick-off meeting of the project was held on 29 and 30 June, and future updates will be published by ISPRA on its institutional website.

Further information