Water, Climate and Health: from the environmental protection of resources, to access to water, to safe use (ACeS)
With a directorial decree of 20 January 2023, the PNC-Water, Climate and Health project was financed by the Ministry of Health: from the environmental ...
Located in
Year 2023
Water, drought and water scarcity
Interview with an ISPRA researcher who explains how the situation today is certainly under observation, and why we cannot yet speak of an emergency.
Located in
Year 2022
Water4All Day in Water World Forum of Bali
The event on 22 May which will be held at the European partnership pavilion at the Water World Forum in Bali is dedicated to the presentation of Water4All' s ...
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Water: between risks and opportunities
The conference intends to analyze the importance of water in a world increasingly afflicted by extreme meteorological events. The conference addresses ...
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What flows beneath our feet? Rome's groundwater in the context of a changing climate
The water supply of the city of Rome comes mainly from springs located several kilometers from the city center, in Apennines or volcanic areas. However, ...
Located in
Year 2023
Workshop: "Evaluation of physical effects related to sediment handling in marine-coastal areas: tools and methodologies of approach"
Located in
Year 2020
World day against desertification and drought
The "World Day to Combat Desertification and Drought" proclaimed by the United Nations with a 1995 resolution is celebrated every year on 17 June. The ...
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Year 2023
World Environment Day 2024
World Environment Day has been celebrated since 1972 and represents the United Nations' main vehicle for encouraging global awareness and action for the ...
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World Soil Day 2023
Soil and Water, source of life, is the theme chosen for the 2023 edition of World Soil Day The Day aims to raise public awareness of the importance and ...
Located in
Year 2023
World Water Day 2021
On March 22 every year, water is celebrated, the element synonymous of life The theme of World Water Day 2021 is to enhance water. The value of water is much ...
Located in
Year 2021