Istituto Superiore per la Protezione
e la Ricerca Ambientale



The Mareographic Network of the Venice Lagoon

Sep 29, 2023 from 04:00 PM to 09:00 PM Venice, Calle larga dell'Ascension San Marco, 1265,
Six hours up, six hours down On the occasion of the European Night of Researchers it will be possible to visit the ISPRA headquarters in Venice. Researchers will meet adults and children curious to discover the functioning of the natural engine of the city of Venice and its lagoon: the MAREA. The knowledge acquired over the years on the phenomenon will be illustrated through an overview of both the constant MONITORING activity in the field and the development and operational application of MODELS for forecasting the tide level. Above all, it will be a moment to have a useful chat about such an important phenomenon for Venice and the other lagoon islands.

The Saline of Tarquinia: a treasure of geodiversity and biodiversity

Sep 16, 2023 from 10:00 AM to 04:30 PM
ISPRA will organize, in collaboration with the Carabinieri of the Biodiversity Protection Unit of Rome, the excursion "The Saline di Tarquinia: a treasure of geodiversity and biodiversity". The Saline di Tarquinia State Nature Reserve is a hyperaline wetland, one of the few remaining in the Tyrrhenian Sea, in the extension of which various geological-environmental aspects are represented.The salt pan is recognized as a site of community importance (SCI) and a special protection area (SPA).The excursion will allow access to the integral reserve area and will give observe closely the relationship between the industrial exploitation activity, now ceased, and the conservation of the environment and of unusual habitats, as well as of protected rare species.

Extreme storm surges and climate change. How do we measure waves?

Sep 29, 2023 from 06:30 PM to 11:55 PM Campus Università - Viale delle Scienze, Palermo,
How to measure waves and storm surges? Waves are formed thanks to the winds that blow over the seas, transferring part of their energy to the surface of the water. The wave motion propagates for hundreds of kilometers with effects on a fairly deep water column. When the waves approach the coast, the seabed becomes shallower, friction increases, the water column decreases and the energy makes the wave steeper until it breaks. How are the instruments managed by ISPRA that "observe the sea" made? So how can we adapt to the ongoing climate change?

The citizen allied with science! Between alien species and marine litter

Sep 29, 2023 from 06:30 PM to 11:55 PM Campus Università - Viale delle Scienze, Palermo,
Do you want to become a scientist citizen and support scientific research? Alien species and marine debris are among the main "intruders" of the underwater world. Researchers have been studying them for some time, also with the aim of mitigating their impacts, but their widespread diffusion in the marine environment and the difficulty of constant monitoring make their job very difficult. Fortunately, in recent years, volunteer observers have also come to the aid of researchers, with citizen science (participation of citizens in research activities)

What flows beneath our feet? Rome's groundwater in the context of a changing climate

Sep 28, 2023 from 09:30 AM to 04:30 PM Rome, Palazzo Valentini,
The water supply of the city of Rome comes mainly from springs located several kilometers from the city center, in Apennines or volcanic areas. However, significant water resources are stored underground in the largest municipality in Italy. These resources, the groundwater, are contained in real natural underground reservoirs, the aquifers, which in the Roman area can be of a volcanic and alluvial nature, in some cases even overlapping, which create a rather complex underground water circulation.

Strong Sea Life and the SeaWatcher APP land in Stintino

Sep 21, 2023 to Sep 24, 2023 Stintino - P.le del Circolo Nautico Torres,
Strong Sea Life - Survey and TReatment ON Ghost nets - and the SeaWatcher App will be present at the next round of the "17th National Latin Sailing Championship", organized by the Circolo Nautico Torres which will take place in Stintino from 21st to 24th September. Strong Sea and the SeaWatcher App are part of the large project within the LIFE programme, the aim of which is the development of a European environmental policy,

Environmental emergencies at sea. Drone use tests

Oct 03, 2023 from 06:00 PM to 08:00 PM Ventotene, Sala Polifunzionale del Comune,
As part of the European IRA-MAR project, line of activity 5 is dedicated to studies for the integrated response to emergencies at sea resulting from pollution, through the use of Remotely Piloted Aircraft Systems (RPAS, Drones). Within the week dedicated to the various tests, which runs from 2nd to 6th October, the coordinators have planned a meeting on the afternoon of 3rd October to present the activities to the invited observers, then dedicating the morning of 4th October to the start of the first of the planned tests. The operations will take place in Ventotene, with the main aim of testing the use of drones in different hypothetical scenarios of oil spills and other hazardous substances (HNS) affecting marine and coastal areas, including the monitoring of marine avifauna.

Status of remediation of contaminated sites in Italy. MOSAICO: a tool for everyone

Sep 22, 2023 from 12:00 PM to 01:30 PM Ferrara, RemTech Expo,
MOSAICO is the national information system on contaminated sites. Created by ISPRA in the SNPA context with the participation of Regions and Autonomous Provinces, it allows for knowledge of the state of the art of reclamation procedures on the national territory and facilitates the dissemination of information to public opinion, the press, the public Administration AND the decision-making bodies.

The agorà of the italian soils. #tuttigiuperterra

Sep 13, 2023 from 09:00 AM to 04:00 PM Rome, Palazzo Merulana,
On 5 July, the European Commission published the text of the proposal for a Directive for soil monitoring and resilience, necessary for the achievement of the health and soil objective by 2050. The main objectives of the proposal for a Directive are: to stop the processes of land degradation, prevent and mitigate the impacts of climate change and biodiversity loss, increase resilience against natural disasters, ensure food security and reduce soil contamination

Ecotoxicological methods: towards common evaluation criteria for different fields. III Day of applied ecotoxicology

Nov 22, 2023 01:00 PM to Nov 23, 2023 02:00 PM Livorno,
Sediments and waters of marine, lake and inland environments; soils; waste Traditional contaminants (metals and organic contaminants) and above all emerging ones (plastics, drugs, new pesticides and food or cosmetic products) are increasingly present in natural and anthropic ecosystems that must be managed for the construction of works, to ensure the functionality of services, in industrial products or in discharges. Ecotoxicological investigations estimate the effects on living organisms and are changing the system of environmental assessments and the technical reference criteria of sector standards.

Marine strategy. The monitoring of the Italian seas

Sep 25, 2023 from 09:30 AM to 01:00 PM Palermo, Palazzo Steri,
On 25 September in Palermo the results of some activities relating to the second cycle of monitoring of the marine environment conducted in all Italian seas will be presented in accordance with the Framework Directive on Marine Strategy 2008/56/EC. The activities are financed by MASE and implemented by SNPA in collaboration with Italian universities and research institutions. The Marine Strategy Directive is the environmental pillar of the Union's maritime policy, aimed at achieving "good environmental status" for all marine waters of the EU Member States.

The study of the Italian fauna

Sep 16, 2023 from 10:00 AM to 01:00 PM Ozzano dell’Emilia (BO),
A walk through the former agricultural land, now re-naturalized, today ISPRA headquarters will allow us to learn about the studies on the Italian fauna from migratory birds to sedentary mammals. We will be able to see the instrumentation used in the faunal field, the habitats and the tracks and if we are lucky we will come across some of the many animals that populate the bottom, a green oasis in the middle of expanses of cultivated fields.

Discovering the Italian Partridge and its reintroduction in the Mezzano Valleys (FE)

Sep 09, 2023 from 10:00 AM to 01:00 PM Ostellato (FE),
Researchers and wildlife enthusiasts will be able to walk among the fences built as part of the Life Perdix project in the territories of the Po Delta Park. We will focus on birdlife with birdwatching activities as well. It will be an opportunity to talk together about the environment and the animals that inhabit it, also suitable for children and families.