The agorà of the italian soils. #tuttigiuperterra
On 5 July, the European Commission published the text of the proposal for a Directive for soil monitoring and resilience, necessary for the achievement of the health and soil objective by 2050. The main objectives of the proposal for a Directive are: to stop the processes of land degradation, prevent and mitigate the impacts of climate change and biodiversity loss, increase resilience against natural disasters, ensure food security and reduce soil contamination
- The agorà of the italian soils. #tuttigiuperterra
- 2023-09-13T09:00:00+02:00
- 2023-09-13T16:00:00+02:00
- On 5 July, the European Commission published the text of the proposal for a Directive for soil monitoring and resilience, necessary for the achievement of the health and soil objective by 2050. The main objectives of the proposal for a Directive are: to stop the processes of land degradation, prevent and mitigate the impacts of climate change and biodiversity loss, increase resilience against natural disasters, ensure food security and reduce soil contamination
- When Sep 13, 2023 from 09:00 AM to 04:00 PM (Europe/Berlin / UTC200)
- Where Rome, Palazzo Merulana
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The actions are the five-year monitoring and assessment of soil health on the basis of indicators defined at European level within the "Soil District". The event proposes a discussion with the Institutions that have competences on soil with the aim of proposing a strong and integrated system for monitoring and protecting national soils
La ricerca scientifica e istituzionale del CREA a difesa del suolo
Alessandra Pesce, CREA Centro di Ricerca Politiche e Bioeconomia
Soil monitoring law proposal
Mirco Barbero, Direzione generale per l'ambiente della Commissione Europea
Stato di salute dei suoli italiani: conoscenza, indicatori e reti di monitoraggio nel sistema nazionale.
Maria Fantappiè, CREA-AA
Il suolo tra tutela, uso sostenibile, monitoraggio e ripristino nel sistema nazionale. Conoscenza, indicatori e il ruolo dei dati ambientali
Michele Munafò, ISPRA