Strong Sea Life and the SeaWatcher APP land in Stintino
Strong Sea Life - Survey and TReatment ON Ghost nets - and the SeaWatcher App will be present at the next round of the "17th National Latin Sailing Championship", organized by the Circolo Nautico Torres which will take place in Stintino from 21st to 24th September. Strong Sea and the SeaWatcher App are part of the large project within the LIFE programme, the aim of which is the development of a European environmental policy,
- Strong Sea Life and the SeaWatcher APP land in Stintino
- 2023-09-21T00:00:00+02:00
- 2023-09-24T23:59:59+02:00
- Strong Sea Life - Survey and TReatment ON Ghost nets - and the SeaWatcher App will be present at the next round of the "17th National Latin Sailing Championship", organized by the Circolo Nautico Torres which will take place in Stintino from 21st to 24th September. Strong Sea and the SeaWatcher App are part of the large project within the LIFE programme, the aim of which is the development of a European environmental policy,
- When Sep 21, 2023 to Sep 24, 2023 (Europe/Berlin / UTC200)
- Where Stintino - P.le del Circolo Nautico Torres
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The project study area includes the Gulf of Asinara and the North Western coast of Sardinia, where Strong Sea operates to protect the conservation status of two highly valuable habitats, the Posidonia oceanica meadows and the coral habitat, from the threat posed by abandoned fishing gear. In fact, in addition to continuing to fish, taking away fish resources, they deteriorate the habitats.
ISPRA researchers will be present during the entire event, explaining how the project was born, how it is developing and its important aims; Furthermore, the use of the APP to report the presence of "ghost networks" and more will be explained.
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