Greencity in Palermo
In Palermo, the second stage of Verdecittà's "journey" through Italy, the innovative project that promotes urban greenery to improve the quality of life and ...
Located in
Year 2021
30 by 30 to regenerate the Mediterranean
After a year off due to the pandemic, the Blue Panda, a WWF sailboat, is ready for a 5-month journey that will take her to cross 6 of the most important Marine ...
Located in
Year 2021
Risvegli festival 2021
From Tuesday 22 June the appointment with Risvegli returns, the festival that the University of Padua dedicates to science and which in recent years has seen ...
Located in
Year 2021
Migrations in the Mediterranean as an effect of climate change and the decline of nature
The connectionss between climate change, loss of biodiversity and migration are among the most dramatic aspects of the planet's climate crisis. The political, ...
Located in
Year 2021
NET scientific aperitif - Our green gold: urban forests in the city of the future?
Cities are where business is concentrated and half of the world's population lives with further growth prospects. Urban areas therefore have a high impact on ...
Located in
Year 2021
Marine strategy: the pre-survey activity for the development of a "Metabarcoding eDNA" analysis protocol was completed in Trieste
This week, the pre-survey activity for the development of a "Metabarcoding eDNA" analysis protocol was included in the port of Trieste as part of a pilot ...
Located in
Year 2021
Howlings in the night
During the summer, wolf cubs are moved by their parents from their den to open places, the rendezvous sites. With the wolf howling technique, the response of ...
Located in
Year 2021
New EU Forest Strategy : planting three billion additional trees across Europe by 2030
As a flagship initiative of the European Green Deal , the European Commission has recently adopted the New EU Forest Strategy for 2030.
Located in
Year 2021
Publication RETICULA n. 27/2021
The number 26 of RETICULA technical journal is available online. This issue presents the new Strategic Plan for Green Infrastructure in Turin and two ...
Located in
Year 2021
Wetland management, restoration and conservation as a key to fighting desertification
The main topic of the conference will be the role of wetlands as a key to the fight against desertification and the geographical and geomorphological ...
Located in
Year 2021