Greencity in Palermo
In Palermo, the second stage of Verdecittà's "journey" through Italy, the innovative project that promotes urban greenery to improve the quality of life and the excellence of Made in Italy horticulture: the initiative is funded by the Ministry for Policies food and forestry (MiPAAF), coordinated by CREA and organized by Padova Hall, with the technical-scientific support of CONAF.
In the Sicilian capital, from 25 to 27 June, an impressive installation curated by CONAF's expert technicians in Piazza Castelnuovo will show how urban greenery can lend itself to multiple solutions, keeping together the quality and beauty of spaces, agriculture, aromatic plants.
- Greencity in Palermo
- 2021-06-25T14:30:00+00:00
- 2021-06-25T17:00:00+00:00
- In Palermo, the second stage of Verdecittà's "journey" through Italy, the innovative project that promotes urban greenery to improve the quality of life and the excellence of Made in Italy horticulture: the initiative is funded by the Ministry for Policies food and forestry (MiPAAF), coordinated by CREA and organized by Padova Hall, with the technical-scientific support of CONAF. In the Sicilian capital, from 25 to 27 June, an impressive installation curated by CONAF's expert technicians in Piazza Castelnuovo will show how urban greenery can lend itself to multiple solutions, keeping together the quality and beauty of spaces, agriculture, aromatic plants.
- When Jun 25, 2021 from 02:30 PM to 05:00 PM (GMT+0 / UTC0)
- Where Online event
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A webinar is organized in the afternoon of 25 June, which will also be attended by an ISPRA expert, dedicated to the topic of water, to reflect together on how it is possible to reduce water consumption and at the same time invest decisively in urban green.