The invasion of an alien jellyfish in an Italian touristic port
Alien species are animal and plant organisms introduced accidentally or intentionally by humans outside their origin area. Maritime traffic is one of the ...
Located in
Marine Research
The ISPRA/National Observatory for the Protection of the Sea convention has been signed to develop awareness activities related the Italian coasts and seas
The Director General of ISPRA Maria Siclari and the President of the National Observatory for the Protection of the Sea (ONTM APS) Roberto Minerdo have signed ...
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The Italian HUB for the BLUEMED initiative Pilot “Towards a Healthy plastic-free Mediterranean Sea”
The BlueMed Pilot action , launched in 2018 is aimed to mapping and asses the actions of marine pollution related to plastic waste in UE and extra UE in the ...
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Year 2020
The Mareographic Network of the Venice Lagoon
Six hours up, six hours down On the occasion of the European Night of Researchers it will be possible to visit the ISPRA headquarters in Venice. Researchers ...
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Year 2023
The measurement of sea level
Sea level in the era of climate change, the tools for its measurement, the evaluation of coastal erosion, subsidence and the risks for the Emilia-Romagna coast ...
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The Mediterranean Sea is one of the areas in the world where seabirds are most at risk of ingesting plastic
Published in Nature Communications a study on the exposure of seabirds to plastic pollution in the seas, carried out by more than 200 scholars from all over ...
Located in
Year 2023
The message of the new generations arrives at the COP23 of the Barcelona Convention
Slovenia is currently hosting COP23 , the meeting of the Contracting Parties to the Convention for the Protection of the Marine Environment and Coasts of the ...
Located in
Year 2023
The Monk seal has returned to Capraia
Since the specimen was sighted, monitoring of the cave of the island of Capraia has begun, chosen as a home by a monk seal. The control and monitoring activity ...
Located in
Year 2022
The monk seal in the Tuscan Archipelago: past and present
As part of the "La natura al centro" Festival, a conference dedicated to the monk seal in the Tuscan Archipelago will be held on 27 June. ISPRA researchers ...
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The movement and reuse of sediments in inland waters, coastal marine waters and lagoons: towards circular management
The event aims to explore the topic of sediment management in different environmental contexts, from a technical-scientific and regulatory perspective, ...
Located in
Year 2023