The bioeconomy of forests
The fourth edition of the national forum "The bioeconomy of forests" will be held in Rome at the Cavour Congress Center on Thursday 18 November. Organized by ...
Located in
Year 2021
Nature Map - It is available the one of the region Emilia-Romagna
As part of the work to create the Nature Charter of Italy, the map of habitats and related ecological environmental assessments are now available on the ISPRA ...
Located in
Year 2021
The National Biodiversity Network told through a video
The census and sharing of existing databases in Italy on the subject of biodiversity are among the activities assigned to Ispra, through the management and ...
Located in
Year 2021
IPBES: launch of a revision of the draft document: "Scoping report for the business and biodiversity assessment"
The IPBES (Intergovernmental Science-Policy Plaftorm on Biodiversity and Ecosystem Services) has announced the launch of a revision of the draft document: ...
Located in
Year 2021
The network life
Protecting biodiversity is one of the crucial missions for safeguarding the environment. But do we really know what the richness of organisms is in the various ...
Located in
Year 2021
After 30 years on the national law for protected areas
After 30 years on the national law for protected areas, the Ministry of Ecological Transition organizes a day on the role of parks, in the light of the ...
Located in
Year 2021
Climate crisis and the role of trees
The webinar "Climate crisis and the role of trees" aims to spread right information on a topic which was discussed during the last internation meeting such as ...
Located in
Year 2021
Published "Marine Litter: looking forward a new world" in the frame of the INDICIT II Project
As part of the INDICIT I and II Projects, both financed by the European Commission and with the participation of 14 international partners, ISPRA has produced ...
Located in
Year 2021
PNRR: MiTE-ISPRA protocol signed for the restoration of the seabed and marine habitats
400 million euros for interventions in favor of the sustainable blue economy With the signing of the memorandum of understanding between the MiTE and ISPRA, ...
Located in
Year 2021
ISPRA publication “Marine Litter: looking forward a new world"
As part of the INDICIT I and II Projects, Ispra has produced the publication "Marine Litter: looking forward a new world", the result of a selection of ...
Located in
Year 2021