Flamingomania – The pink flamingo festival
“Flamingomania – The pink flamingo festival” is the first Italian event that has the iconic pink-winged bird as its absolute protagonist and symbol. ...
Located in
Year 2023
21 November - World Tree Day
ISPRA will participate in World Tree Day as part of the citizen science project on urban microforests organized by La Sapienza University. For the occasion, it ...
Located in
Year 2023
Meeting for the presentation of the Guidelines for the conservation of the Mediterranean trout and its habitat – LIFE STREAMS Az. E.1.2.
The second meeting of the LIFE STREAMS Project will take place on 6 June, for the presentation of the proposal for Guidelines for the conservation of the ...
Located in
Year 2023
Event cancelled-Italy and the Environment. State, Perspectives and Scenarios
The event has been postponed to a later date On June 15, ISPRA will present "Italy and the Environment: status, perspectives and scenarios". The publication ...
Located in
Year 2023
Third Meeting for the presentation of the Guidelines for the conservation of the Mediterranean trout and its habitat – LIFE STREAMS Az. E.1.2.
The third meeting of the LIFE STREAMS Project will take place on 14 June, for the presentation of the proposal for Guidelines for the conservation of the ...
Located in
Year 2023
The alien species in our seas
Researchers and citizens together: the case of the upside-down jellyfish ( Cassiopea xamachana) studied in collaboration with the Italian Naval League of ...
Located in
Year 2023
Fourth Meeting for the presentation of the Guidelines for the conservation of the Mediterranean trout and its habitat – LIFE STREAMS Az. E.1.2.
The fourth and last meeting of the LIFE STREAMS Project will take place on 26 June, for the presentation of the proposal for Guidelines for the conservation ...
Located in
Year 2023
The Saline of Tarquinia: a treasure of geodiversity and biodiversity
ISPRA will organize, in collaboration with the Carabinieri of the Biodiversity Protection Unit of Rome, the excursion "The Saline di Tarquinia: a treasure of ...
Located in
Year 2023
Fungi in the city. Mycological exhibition
Opening: November 11th 9.30am - 11.30am Exhibition: November 11th 11.30am - 5.00pm - November 12th: 10.00am - 5.00pm The launch of the Network for the study ...
Located in
Year 2023
Metabarcoding of environmental DNA (eDNA) for the detection of non-indigenous species in the context of Marine Strategy Framework Directive monitoring programs
As part of the three-year agreement 2021-2023 between the Ministry of the Environment and Energy Security, ISPRA and ARPA Lead partner for the implementation ...
Located in
Year 2023