Future Minerals Forum
The ISPRA Geological Service will participate in the geological services table as part of the Future Mineral s Forum which will be held in Riyadh on January ...
Located in
Tenth Anniversary of the History of Geosciences Section of the Italian Geological Society
Italy is considered one of the founding countries of modern geology thanks to the work of excellent geoscientists who have contributed to the development of ...
Located in
Year 2023
Earthquake event in Turkey, February 6, 2023
An earthquake of magnitude M 7.9 was localized at 02:17 Italian time on 6 February 2023 in the south-eastern part of Turkey, on the border with Syria. The ...
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Year 2023
Climate change: soil and urban regeneration
Combating soil consumption remains a central objective for the fight against climate change. From this point of view, urban regeneration assumes a fundamental ...
Located in
Year 2023
Award for the ISPRA video 'What flows under our feet? - Monitoring of Rome's groundwater"
On 15 February, as part of the seminar The design of water wells - Water resources: is availability changing? A comparison between universities, designers and ...
Located in
Year 2023
Lakes, mirror of climate change
Emerging phenomena, dynamics, potential and tools for the management and care of the Castelli Romani Park The anthropic impact, emerging pollutants, ...
Located in
Year 2023
National event on the EU Soil Mission - Towards the establishment of 100 living labs and lighthouses
The national events organized by the Horizon Europe NATI00NS project aim to promote the EU Mission “A Soil Deal for Europe” in national and regional contexts, ...
Located in
Year 2023
Innovation and circular economy: new opportunities for sustainable cereal production
The conference is organized as part of the activities of the "RICREA - Cereal waste for bioremediation" project, co-financed by the Ministry of the Environment ...
Located in
Year 2023
General Assembly of the European Geosciences Union 2023
The EGU General Assembly 2023 will bring together geoscientists from around the world for a meeting on topics from the disciplines of the Earth, planetary and ...
Located in
Year 2023
1st Workshop International RootS23 - "Soil-Plant-Atmosphere Interaction: mechanisms, processes and geotechnical engineering implications"
The Workshop will focus on the current state of knowledge and research concerning the topic of soil-vegetation-atmosphere interaction. This is a very broad ...
Located in
Year 2023