Istituto Superiore per la Protezione
e la Ricerca Ambientale


Events and News

XI Edition of the Study Days “Research and Application of Ecotoxicological Methodologies” XI Edition of the Study Days “Research and Application of Ecotoxicological Methodologies”
Nov 26, 2024 to Nov 28, 2024 Livorno, Camera di Commercio - Piazza del Municipio,

As usual, every 2 years starting from 2006, ISPRA promotes the Study Days "Research and application of ecotoxicological methodologies" with the collaboration and support of other public and private institutions. These days represent a meeting moment for the Italian scientific community, control bodies, private individuals and all those interested in ecotoxicological issues and their practical applications and regulatory evolution.

Citizen Science and National Biodiversity Network: Life BIOREPEM project Citizen Science and National Biodiversity Network: Life BIOREPEM project
Sep 27, 2024 from 06:30 PM to 11:00 PM Rome Testaccio – Città dell’Altra Economia,

Less pollution, more sustainable cities What can municipal administrators and each of us do individually to reduce the use of biocides? We will talk about it with the researchers of the BIOREPEM Project which has the main objective of raising awareness among public administrations and citizens about reducing the use of biocides for mosquitoes and rodents in urban environments. The advanced technologies used in two project areas - Municipality of Fiumicino and Municipality of Francavilla al Mare - will be illustrated for the monitoring and targeted control of infestations, including high-tech electro-mechanical traps for the massive capture of rats and mosquitoes.

VeBS - The good use of green and blue spaces for the promotion of well-being and health VeBS - The good use of green and blue spaces for the promotion of well-being and health
Jul 03, 2024 from 09:00 AM to 05:00 PM Tropea,

The presentation event of the PNRR-PNC project "The good use of Green and Blue spaces for the promotion of well-being and health" financed by the Ministry of Health will be held on 3 July in Tropea. The VeBS Project - The good use of green and blue spaces for the promotion of well-being and health - is financed, from 2023 to 2026, by the National Plan for Complementary Investments (PNC) to the National Recovery and Resilience Plan (PNRR), as part of Investment 1.4 dedicated to the promotion and financing of applied research with multidisciplinary approaches in specific areas of health-environment-climate intervention, of which the Ministry of Health, General Directorate of Health Prevention is the implementing body.

Kick-off meeting of the Aces project Kick-off meeting of the Aces project
Jun 12, 2024 from 09:15 AM to 01:00 PM Pescara,

The kick-off meeting of the Aces project - Water, climate and health: from the environmental protection of resources, to access to water, to safe use, with the Abruzzo Region as leader, will be held on 12 June in Pescara. The project is financed by the Ministry of Health as part of the National Complementary Plan (Pnc) to the National Recovery and Resilience Plan (Pnrr) and sees the participation as operational units of ISPRA, Arpae Emilia-Romagna, Istituto Superiore di Sanità, Izs of Abruzzo and Molise, Ars Toscana

VeBS - The good use of Green and Blue spaces for the promotion of health and well-being VeBS - The good use of Green and Blue spaces for the promotion of health and well-being
May 14, 2024 from 10:00 AM to 05:00 PM Bologna,

The third presentation event of the PNRR-PNC project "The good use of Green and Blue spaces for the promotion of well-being and health" financed by the Ministry of Health will be held on May 14th in Bologna. The VeBS Project - The good use of green and blue spaces for the promotion of well-being and health - is financed by the National Plan for Complementary Investments (PNC) to the National Recovery and Resilience Plan (PNRR), as part of the Investment 1.4 dedicated to the promotion and financing of applied research with multidisciplinary approaches in specific areas of health-environment-climate intervention, of which the Ministry of Health, General Directorate of Health Prevention is the implementing body. It was started in 2023 and will be completed in 2026.

VeBS - The good use of Green and Blue spaces for the promotion of health and well-being VeBS - The good use of Green and Blue spaces for the promotion of health and well-being
May 10, 2024 from 10:00 AM to 05:00 PM L'Aquila, Centro Congressi Luigi Zordan - Sala San Basilio,

The second presentation event of the PNRR-PNC project "The good use of Green and Blue spaces for the promotion of well-being and health" financed by the Ministry of Health will be held on May 10th in L'Aquila. The VeBS Project - The good use of green and blue spaces for the promotion of well-being and health - is financed by the National Plan for Complementary Investments (PNC) to the National Recovery and Resilience Plan (PNRR), as part of the Investment 1.4 dedicated to the promotion and financing of applied research with multidisciplinary approaches in specific areas of health-environment-climate intervention, of which the Ministry of Health, General Directorate of Health Prevention is the implementing body. It was started in 2023 and will be completed in 2026. Web site project Program

Green and blue infrastructure: opportunities and challenges for city planning Green and blue infrastructure: opportunities and challenges for city planning
May 09, 2024 from 10:00 AM to 12:30 PM

The theme of green and blue infrastructures has fully entered the political agendas of central and local administrations, as they are strategic resources for the environmental quality and liveability of contemporary cities. Starting from the European Strategy on green infrastructures and, in our country, from law 10/2013 "Regulations for the development of urban spaces", in fact, over the last decade a regulatory, technical and strategic framework has been emerging that makes the planning and management of urban and peri-urban green infrastructures are matters of absolute urgency.

New EEA-ECHA Report: safer and more sustainable chemicals? There is still much to do New EEA-ECHA Report: safer and more sustainable chemicals? There is still much to do

Chemical substances are present in every aspect of our lives but they can represent sources of important problems both for human health and for the planet. From the results of a recent European study " EU Indicator Framework for Chemicals " conducted for the first time jointly by the European Environment Agency (EEA) and the European Chemicals Agency (ECHA) it emerges that there is still a lot of work to be done do to reduce the impact of dangerous substances on humans and the environment.

Health, environment and climate change. Perspective 2030 Health, environment and climate change. Perspective 2030
Apr 12, 2024 Bologna,

The 1st national congress “Health, environment and climate change. Perspective 2030" is configured as an event of national importance - focused on the importance of openly addressing and discussing climate change and pollution - capable of underlining the crucial link between environment and health, highlighting how care for the environment constitutes a essential means for promoting health.

VeBS - The good use of Green and Blue spaces for the promotion of health and well-being VeBS - The good use of Green and Blue spaces for the promotion of health and well-being
Apr 05, 2024 from 10:00 AM to 05:00 PM Roma, Centro Congressi Forma Spazi, via Cavour 181,

The first presentation event of the PNRR-PNC project "The good use of green and blue spaces for the promotion of well-being and health" financed by the Ministry of Health will take place on 5 April in Rome. In the morning, the project and the case studies in progress will be illustrated. In the afternoon, in a forum attended by representatives of civil society, the world of research and institutions will be  analysed the needs on the project's themes. The other events will take place in Bologna, L'Aquila and Reggio Calabria during the months of April and May 2024. Project Program Photo gallery

National Pollen Day 2024 National Pollen Day 2024
Mar 21, 2024 from 10:00 AM to 12:30 PM On line event,

Aerobiological monitoring: an indispensable tool for health protection in the “One Health” model On March 21st, on the occasion of the XVII edition of National Pollen Day, ISPRA and the Italian Society of Aerobiology, Medicine and Environment (SIAMA) present the seminar "Aerobiological monitoring: an indispensable tool for health protection in the One Health model". The day, organized in collaboration with the Palynology Group of the Italian Botanical Society and the POLLnet-SNPA thematic network, aims to promote aerobiology as a fundamental discipline in the study of environmental problems related to the interpretation of allergic disease and to contribute to spread the culture of a multidisciplinary approach to human and environmental health issues.

On-line the new environmental indicators data base ISPRA On-line the new environmental indicators data base ISPRA

An effective tool to understand the state of the environment in Italy Developed with a view to improvement, to face increasingly pressing environmental challenges and to satisfy new knowledge needs, including future scenarios, the ISPRA environmental indicators database disseminates detailed statistical information in a dynamic and timely manner characterized by a high scientific solidity.

Green and health are the future of our cities Green and health are the future of our cities
Feb 21, 2024 from 02:00 PM to 04:00 PM Fiera Milano - Rho,

As part of the Myplant & Garden event (International Green Expo) at the Milan - Rho fair, the conference "Green and health are the future of our cities" will be held on 21 February which sees the participation of operators and experts from the sector at national and international level who will discuss with the local administrators of the cities of Avellino, Milan, Turin and Rome. ISPRA will illustrate the PNRR-PNC project "The good use of green and blue spaces for the promotion of well-being and health (VeBS)", started in 2013.

Presentation of the "Environment Report SNPA" - edition 2023 Presentation of the "Environment Report SNPA" - edition 2023
Feb 21, 2024 from 09:30 AM to 12:30 PM Rome, Sala Polifunzionale della Presidenza del Consiglio dei Ministri, Via di Santa Maria in Via, 37b,

The Report, now in its fourth edition, offers a detailed overview of the state of our environment based on objective, reliable and comparable information, with 21 environmental indicators that allow us to evaluate the achievement of the numerous set objectives and to effectively address future environmental challenges . The second part of the document highlights the commitment and work of ISPRA and the ARPA/APPA, through a focus on best practices for the fight against climate change, to support the circular economy, to contribute to the process of sustainable finance, to protect our health and our planet and to raise awareness and inform the community. Program Spot Environment Report  SNPA Environment Report SNPA - Edition 2023

ISPRA partecipation at ECOMONDO 2023 ISPRA partecipation at ECOMONDO 2023
Nov 07, 2023 to Nov 10, 2023

Ecomondo is the meeting and dialogue point between industries, stakeholders, policy makers, opinion leaders, local authorities and brings together the key elements that define the development strategies of the European Union's environmental policy. It is the international reference event in Europe and the Mediterranean basin for technologies, services and industrial solutions in the green and circular economy sectors. ISPRA program for today: How to preserve natural capital by recognizing its economic value Biowaste: XXV Conference on Composting and Anaerobic Digestion. Plenary Session Il PNRR e l'economia circolare Raccogliere la sfida dell’economia circolare. Europa ed Italia di fronte agli obiettivi del 2035 Approvvigionamento sostenibile e sicuro di materie prime critiche – Iniziative europee e nazionali The States General for Soil Health – 2nd edition. Sustainable carbon cycles – Healthy soils for a climateneutral economy. National session

RADON risk and energy efficiency interventions RADON risk and energy efficiency interventions
Oct 18, 2023 from 10:30 AM to 04:00 PM Rome, Piazza della Pilotta, 4,

On 18 October 2023 in Rome, from 10.30 to 16.00, at the Spazio Roma Eventi Fontana di Trevi, the conference "Radon risk and energy efficiency measures" will take place, organized as part of the MASE-ISPRA collaboration agreement to support prevention activities and reduce the risk of exposure to indoor radon. Program

Environmental research and neuroscience together: ISPRA laboratories at the Santa Lucia IRCCS Foundation Environmental research and neuroscience together: ISPRA laboratories at the Santa Lucia IRCCS Foundation
Jul 11, 2023 Roma, Fondazione Santa Lucia IRCCS,

2200 square meters of laboratories for about 70 ISPRA researchers who work alongside the over 200 researchers of the Santa Lucia IRCCS Foundation. The research in the field of One Health begins. ISPRA, a public body dedicated to research aimed at protecting the environment supervised by the Ministry of the Environment and Energy Security, today inaugurates 2200 square meters of research spaces at the site that houses the basic research laboratories of the Santa Lucia IRCCS Foundation, hospital neurorehabilitation and neuroscience research institute. The Minister Prof. Gilberto Pichetto Fratin was also present at the event. Press release (ita)

Environment and health: Memorandum of understanding between ISPRA and Campus Bio-Medico University of Rome Environment and health: Memorandum of understanding between ISPRA and Campus Bio-Medico University of Rome
Jul 11, 2023

Studying climate change and sustainability, biodiversity, environmental fate and sustainable nutrition, biomedical engineering, information technology and robotics for the development of research, innovation and training activities in the field of relations between the environment and health following a One Health approach by attracting young talents through collaboration in teaching activities, the development of advanced training courses and support for doctoral scholarships: these are the objectives of the memorandum of understanding stipulated between ISPRA and the Campus Bio-Medico University of Rome (UCBM), lasting 3 years .

Covid-19 and pollution: the conference on the EpiCovAir project on 20 June Covid-19 and pollution: the conference on the EpiCovAir project on 20 June
Jun 20, 2023 from 10:00 AM to 12:00 PM Rome/Online,

On 20 June, from 10 to 12, the results of EpiCovAir, the national epidemiological project on COVID-19 and air pollution promoted by the Istituto Superiore di Sanità (ISS) and by the Istituto Superiore per la Protezione e Ricerca Ambientale - National System for the Environmental Protection (ISPRA-SNPA).

Sea and Health Sea and Health
Jun 15, 2023 from 09:00 AM to 03:30 PM

Understand and check the connections between the global ocean and human health trough the scientific cooperation and the institutional partnership  The Conference, with the participation of institutions, research bodies and the third sector involved in the protection of aquatic and marine environments, intends to strengthen the actions that Italy is promoting at national and international level, in the perspective of "planetary health" and "one water”, towards the realization of the sustainable development goals of the UN Agenda 2030. The event is structured in a first part focused on the actions of the central institutions with respect to environmental protection and a second part dedicated to research and communication, in which the «SEA-CARE» project will also be presented, in partnership with ISS-SNPA-MM and some Universities, and the actions of PNRR MER – Marine Ecosystem Restoration ,   Restoration, carried out by ISPRA, under the vision of MASE

XVI National Pollen Day 2023 XVI National Pollen Day 2023
Mar 21, 2023 from 11:30 AM to 01:30 PM Rome, Camera dei Deputati/Diretta streaming,

Environmental monitoring and prevention of pollen allergy risks On 21 March, on the occasion of the XVI edition of the National Pollen Day, the Italian Society of Aerobiology, Medicine and the Environment (S.I.A.M.A.) is organizing the seminar "Environmental monitoring and prevention of risks from pollen allergies".

Study day on the quality of pollen data Study day on the quality of pollen data
Feb 15, 2023 from 09:00 AM to 06:00 PM Padova, Orto Botanico,

The meeting, aimed at sector technicians, concludes the interlaboratory test on airborne pollen and fungal spores which took place in 2022, in collaboration between Arpa Veneto and Arpa Friuli Venezia Giulia, The purpose of the work was to ascertain the preparation of the individual operators, to discuss each other to ensure ever greater uniformity and quality of the data that are published weekly

The National Health Prevention System for Environmental and Climate Risks The National Health Prevention System for Environmental and Climate Risks
Oct 21, 2022 Bari,

The National Health Prevention System from environmental and climatic risks, established by the PNRR2 decree, aims to improve and harmonize the policies and strategies implemented by the National Health Service for the prevention, control and treatment of acute and chronic diseases, transmissible and non-transmissible, associated with environmental and climatic risks.

Pesticides: reduce the use of synthetic chemicals in agriculture by 2030, how and why Pesticides: reduce the use of synthetic chemicals in agriculture by 2030, how and why
Oct 12, 2022 from 09:45 AM to 05:00 PM Rome, Sala Spazio Europa,

The conference "Pesticides: reducing the use of synthetic chemicals in agriculture by 2030, how and why" will be held on 12 October in Rome. Two ISPRA researchers will participate in the meeting with interventions on the impact of pesticides on species and habitats and pesticides in surface and groundwater.

Indicators, indices and scenarios for the analysis of the main environmental trends Indicators, indices and scenarios for the analysis of the main environmental trends
Sep 28, 2022 from 03:00 PM to 05:00 PM Webinar,

On 28 September ISPRA is presenting the methodological document "Indicators, index and scenarios for the analysis of the main environmental trends". The publication analyzes the main emerging environmental issues (natural capital, climate change, circular economy and environment and health) through three different approaches whose common thread is the use of the indicators present in the  Environmental indicators database . The first relates the trends of the environmental indicators and the regulatory changes of reference, the second proposes a description of the trends of the main environmental issues using composite index, finally, the third describes the process of construction of environmental scenarios. Program Indicators, indices, and future studies for the analysis of the main environmental trends

Congress One Health 2022 Congress One Health 2022
Sep 13, 2022 to Sep 18, 2022 Capaccio Paestum (SA),

The focus of the congress activities that will open with the 5th MedPalynoS and will continue with the 16th AIA (Italian Society of Aerobiology, Environment and Medicine) Congress, is to recognize that the human health is linked to plants, animals and environment health. This Joint Congress will be the occasion for a complete excursus on Palynology which gradually more converges in the definition of the science of ecosystem processes and in the paradigm of the “One Health” concept.

Conferences of the Parties of Basel, Rotterdam and Stockholm conventions: EU and international partners push for a more toxic-free and circular future for everyone. Conferences of the Parties of Basel, Rotterdam and Stockholm conventions: EU and international partners push for a more toxic-free and circular future for everyone.

The Conferences of the Parties (COPs) 2021-2022  to the Basel, Rotterdam and Stockholm conventions (BRS COP) concluded in Stockholm last 1 June on the occasion of the international summit Stockholm+50 and in Geneva last 17 June.  They are the main three Environmental Multilateral Agreements aiming at protecting the human health and the environment from hazardous substances and  waste.

Adaptation and mitigation to climate change: urban interventions for health promotion Adaptation and mitigation to climate change: urban interventions for health promotion
Jun 08, 2022 from 09:30 AM to 01:30 PM Roma, Dipartimento di Architettura, Università degli Studi Roma Tre,

Final workshop of the CLIMACTIONS project CLIMACTIONS is a CCM project funded by the Ministry of Health coordinated by the DEPLAZIO to which adheres the Istituto Superiore di Sanità; the University of Roma Tre - Faculty of Architecture; ASLTO3 Suprazonal Epidemiology Service; Liguria Region; S.S.R. Emilia Romagna; Ares Puglia; Institute of Translational Pharmacology of the CNR Section of Palermo; Sicily Region. The project aims is to identify urban heat island (UHI) and air pollution mitigation strategies and interventions that promotes health benefits of the population in the urban context of 6 cities (Torino, Genova, Bologna, Roma, Bari and Palermo).