Congress One Health 2022
The focus of the congress activities that will open with the 5th MedPalynoS and will continue with the 16th AIA (Italian Society of Aerobiology, Environment and Medicine) Congress, is to recognize that the human health is linked to plants, animals and environment health. This Joint Congress will be the occasion for a complete excursus on Palynology which gradually more converges in the definition of the science of ecosystem processes and in the paradigm of the “One Health” concept.
- Congress One Health 2022
- 2022-09-13T00:00:00+00:00
- 2022-09-18T23:59:59+00:00
- The focus of the congress activities that will open with the 5th MedPalynoS and will continue with the 16th AIA (Italian Society of Aerobiology, Environment and Medicine) Congress, is to recognize that the human health is linked to plants, animals and environment health. This Joint Congress will be the occasion for a complete excursus on Palynology which gradually more converges in the definition of the science of ecosystem processes and in the paradigm of the “One Health” concept.
- When Sep 13, 2022 to Sep 18, 2022 (GMT+0 / UTC0)
- Where Capaccio Paestum (SA)
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Therefore, the most current studies on the Morphology, Biology and Physiology of pollen will be presented in the sessions of: Paleo and Archeo-Palynology; Pollen morphology and Plant phylogenesis; Male reproductive performance, Environmental health and Biodiversity; Aero-palynology and climate change and Aerobiology 4.0. This final represents the “box of innovations” where will be presented, new monitoring and prevention protocols from respiratory diseases of humans and pets, new technologies, precision medicine and telemedicine. Other topics of great relevance and interest will be Forensic Palynology and, could not miss the Aerobiology in the Conservation of cultural heritage.
Special attention to young researchers to which will be dedicated training course, also online, on diagnostic, clinical and environmental topics. A space dedicated entirely to the 9th IIAAC Forum, or Internal Medicine, Immunology, Allergy, Asthma & COPD, is foreseen, which aims to present to the participants the newest and most innovative clinical aspects of different branches of modern medicine, which have responded to the new challenges. related to climate and environmental changes. Topics of respiratory medicine, cardiology, clinical immunology, allergology and dermatology will be treated through multimedia supports, seeing together, in the classic Forum formula, local investigators and major national and international experts.
Do not miss the “Art and Science” exhibition which will be open for the entire congress period.
An ISPRA researcher is member of the Scientific Committee