Istituto Superiore per la Protezione
e la Ricerca Ambientale


Events and News

Protection and conservation of marine systems
Protection and conservation of marine systems
Jun 15, 2022 — Jun 15, 2022

As part of the activities launched on May 21 to celebrate 30 years of the Life Program, ISPRA will present the Life CONCEPTU MARIS project at the "Protection and Conservation of marine systems" conference organized by the Port System Authority of the Central-Northern Tyrrhenian Sea, which held on June 15 at the Port of Civitavecchia.

Marine Protected Areas together for the future of the Mediterranean
Marine Protected Areas together for the future of the Mediterranean
Jun 14, 2022 — Jun 17, 2022 Palma de Mallorca, Barcelona/Online

From 14 to 17 June, 100 scientists and managers from 13 Marine Protected Areas (MPAs) and 18 European countries will meet in Spain to share the results of two major European Interreg Med projects: MPA NETWORKS and MPA Engage.

Word Oceans Day
Word Oceans Day
Jun 08, 2022 — Jun 08, 2022

The 8 June of every day United Nations celebrates the Word Oceans Day  with the aim to make aware  public opinion and institutions on the importance of their protection, considering their importance for our survival.
This year the theme of World Oceans Day is "The Ocean: Life and means of Life", a very clear title that focuses on the many forms of life that are hosted by ocean ecosystems and the impact that oceans have on very existence of humanity.

Memorandum of Understanding for Marine Sciences signed between ISPRA and Zhejiang Ocean University
Memorandum of Understanding for Marine Sciences signed between ISPRA and Zhejiang Ocean University
May 31, 2022 — May 31, 2022

This morning the President of ISPRA and the President of the Zhejiang Ocean University (ZJOU) of the People's Republic of China signed a new Memorandum of Understanding to consolidate the bilateral cooperation activities between the two Institutes in the field of Marine Sciences.

The theme of the reuse of sediments and waste materials at the center of the IMO "Science Day"
The theme of the reuse of sediments and waste materials at the center of the IMO "Science Day"
May 30, 2022

As part of the meeting of the scientific groups of the Convention and the 1996 London Protocol for the prevention of marine pollution deriving from the deliberate sinking of waste and other substances, to which 100 countries adhere, a "science day "To share and deepen knowledge on a topic of interest for the implementation of these international agreements within the International Maritime Organization (IMO).

The program of environmental education and sustainability initiatives in Venice / Chioggia and Palermo
The program of environmental education and sustainability initiatives in Venice / Chioggia and Palermo
May 27, 2022 — May 27, 2022

The ISPRA program for environmental education and sustainability  this year will be host for the first time in Venice / Chioggia and Palermo, with two projects aimed at developing responsible behavior oriented towards knowledge and respect for the marine environment.

Coastal strip monitoring: presentation of the Italian Coast Line 2020
Coastal strip monitoring: presentation of the Italian Coast Line 2020
May 25, 2022 11:00 AM — May 25, 2022 03:30 PM Roma, sede ISPRA, Via V. Brancati, 48

A fundamental element for the planning and management of the coasts is the knowledge of the long-term coastal evolution, due to the action of the sea, anthropogenic activity and climate change.

The National Center for the Defense of the Coasts of ISPRA has been carrying out analysis of the Italian coasts for about 20 years by updating the environmental digitization of national coasts. This activity allows the monitoring of the evolution of the natural and anthropogenic elements that determine the coastal structure



Press release  (ita)

Data base Linea di costa 2020

Photo gallery

Presentation of the exhibition and the volume: "Marine litter: looking forward a new world"
Presentation of the exhibition and the volume: "Marine litter: looking forward a new world"
May 21, 2022 — May 22, 2022 Napoli, Museo Darwin Dohrn

On 21 and 22 May in Naples, at the DaDoM Museum, the presentation of the exhibition and the volume "Marine litter: looking forward a new world" created by ISPRA as part of the INDICIT I and II projects will be held.

In Ravenna, the European event for the sea takes stock of EU maritime policies
In Ravenna, the European event for the sea takes stock of EU maritime policies
May 19, 2022 — May 20, 2022 Ravenna

The European Maritime Day will be held from 19-20 May next, organized by the European Commission and hosted by the City of Ravenna. The event will take place in hybrid form and it is possible to register for seminars and plenary meetings until 12 May.

Multi-elementary analysis in environmental matrices
Multi-elementary analysis in environmental matrices
May 18, 2022 12:30 PM — May 18, 2022 02:00 PM Webinar

Elementar Italia s.r.l., as part of the in-depth study on multi-elemental analysis techniques and on the characterization of organic matter in complex environments, organizes on May 18 the webinar "From sediments to suspended particulates: multi-elementary analysis as a routine and driver of new applications in the characterization of organic matter in complex environments ".

Regional Assembly Confcooperative Lavoro Servizi  Sardegna
Regional Assembly Confcooperative Lavoro Servizi Sardegna
May 18, 2022 11:30 AM — May 18, 2022 03:30 PM Cagliari - videoconference

An ISPRA expert will participate in the Elective Assembly of Confcooperative Lavoro e Servizi Sardegna, making a contribution with particular reference to the recent and important collaboration created on the occasion of the launch of the Strong Sea Project between ISPRA and the cooperative companies engaged in the various support activities of the same.
Removal, disposal and recovery are a central point of Strong Sea up to the point of being able to recycle. This will allow the development of a virtuous supply chain which is a great added value for the project.

ISPRA experts coordinators of supporting scientific groups of International Maritime Organization
ISPRA experts coordinators of supporting scientific groups of International Maritime Organization
May 17, 2022

The last meeting of the scientific groups that, within the International Maritime Organization, support the implementation of the Convention and the London Protocol by the signatory states of these agreements, took place in virtual mode from March 28 to 1 last April.

Sustainable aquaculture as the engine of the blue economy
Sustainable aquaculture as the engine of the blue economy
May 10, 2022 12:00 PM — May 10, 2022 03:00 PM Genova

The workshop, organized by the Liguria Region, will be an opportunity to discuss the Community lines for aquaculture in Europe and the new perspectives in Italy. The day will also present a round table dedicated to the experiences gained in the field by companies that are attentive to sustainability.

Available online the new number of PRUE
Available online the new number of PRUE
May 09, 2022

PRUE 1 2022 is online. The bulletin includes information on the European Union's funding programs, ongoing projects, activities of the European Union and international bodies in the field of sea and water.

Seminar for the 30th anniversary of the Natura 2000 Network and the LIFE Program
Seminar for the 30th anniversary of the Natura 2000 Network and the LIFE Program
May 09, 2022 01:30 PM — May 09, 2022 03:00 PM Chioggia

2022 is a special year as we are celebrating the 30th anniversary of both the European Natura 2000 Network and the LIFE programme, born on the same day, the 21st of May 1992.

World Earth Day: guided robots to probe the depths of the sea are supplied to ISPRA
World Earth Day: guided robots to probe the depths of the sea are supplied to ISPRA
Apr 26, 2022

On the occasion of World Earth Day, Sky TG24 broadcast a service on marine robotics thanks to which ISPRA researchers work every day to unravel the mysteries of the underwater world.

Tales of Biodiversity - The sea
Tales of Biodiversity - The sea
Apr 22, 2022

In this third episode in the world of biodiversity, Jacopo would like to have information on the marine ecosystem and meets the marine biologist Cecilia Silvestri, who has been dealing with microplastics and the protection of sea turtles for years. Starting from the story of the little turtle Carrie, we wonder about the conditions in which our seas, the inhabitants who populate it and what concrete actions we can do to protect it.

Apr 22, 2022 — Apr 22, 2022

Scientists (and) mad
On the occasion of World Earth Day, April 22nd, the third edition of #OnePeopleOnePlanet - The Multimedia Marathon will take place, the event born in 2020 in time of pandemic, which has now become one of the most significant appointments for the protection of the planet in Italy. It consists of 13 hours of television relay carried out in the framework of an impressive media partnership with RAI, which will broadcast the live broadcast of the event on the RaiPlay digital channel, involving the best journalists and some live programs of the RAI platform, in this important advertising campaign. awareness raising.

Two ISPRA researchers will analize the research on the state of Mediterranean waters, as part of the Marine Strategy of the European Union, with interesting insights into the technological progress that robotics is bringing to submarine research.

Further information

Plastic Busters MPAs - Info Day
Plastic Busters MPAs - Info Day
Apr 21, 2022 — Apr 21, 2022 Rome, Centro Congressi Cavour

Plastic Busters MPAs is an Interreg Med funded project aiming to maintain biodiversity and preserve natural ecosystems in pelagic and coastal marine protected areas by consolidating Mediterranean efforts against marine litter.

Opening conference of the project "Strong Sea Life"
Opening conference of the project "Strong Sea Life"
Apr 13, 2022 11:00 AM — Apr 13, 2022 03:30 PM Porto Torres (SS), Sala Congressi Comunale "Filippo Canu" - Corso Vittorio Emanuele II, 103

On April 13, 2022, the presentation conference of the STRONG SEA project - Survey and TReatment ON Ghost LIFE, a project financed under the LIFE program, priority sector Nature and Biodiversity, on funds will take place at the Municipality of Porto Torres (SS) established in the 2014-2020 programming.
It will be possible to follow the proceedings both in presence and in live streaming on the ISPRA Youtube Channel.  ISPRA Youtube Channel.
ISPRA is the project leader, together with 5 associated partners: Forestry Corps Environmental Supervision, Asinara Park - Asinara Island AMP, AGRIS Regione Sardegna, MCM Consorzio Coop Produzione Lavoro and Petra Patrimonia Corsica.
The project, which started in December 2021, will last 5 years.

The Plastic Busters MPAs - Capitalization Conference
The Plastic Busters MPAs - Capitalization Conference
Apr 12, 2022 — Apr 13, 2022 Athens

Plastic Busters MPAs is an Interreg Med funded project aiming to maintain biodiversity and preserve natural ecosystems in pelagic and coastal marine protected areas by consolidating Mediterranean efforts against marine litter.

Sea Robot. The challenges of marine exploration
Sea Robot. The challenges of marine exploration
Apr 11, 2022 02:00 PM — Apr 11, 2022 03:00 PM Facebook live

On 11 April, on the occasion of the National Day of the Sea, ISPRA will present a new documentary to tell which state-of-the-art technologies are used to study the depths of the sea today. Thanks to a series of new underwater technologies developed in recent decades, it is now possible to observe and study the seabed and what is at great depths. In the documentary you will discover what the Remotely Operated Vehicle (ROV) is, with which researchers operate at a depth of 600 meters; multibeam or multibeam sonar, side scan sonar, tecnoshark. Tools that allow us to implement what Europe asks of us: to protect at least 30% of our seas by 2030.

Presentation of the documentary


A new buoy of the National Wave Network (RON) installed off the coast of Venice
A new buoy of the National Wave Network (RON) installed off the coast of Venice
Apr 08, 2022

On March 15, a new RON buoy was launched about 8 miles off the coast of Venice. The buoy was moored near the Acqua Alta Oceanographic Platform, in order to compare the wave measurements of the buoy with a sophisticated and advanced optical measurement system of the waves during storm surges of Bora and Scirocco that the CNR ISMAR of Venice has tested and exported to various international institutions

Advancing the research for the conservation of Sea Turles in the Mediterranean Sea: study on the seasonal niche of the loggerhead (Caretta caretta) in the Adriatic and Ionian seas
Advancing the research for the conservation of Sea Turles in the Mediterranean Sea: study on the seasonal niche of the loggerhead (Caretta caretta) in the Adriatic and Ionian seas
Apr 06, 2022

Although Caretta caretta is the most common marine turtle in the Mediterranean Sea, its distribution is relatively difficult to assess due to a lack of data especially in offshore waters.
To identify the key factors and the most important areas for the conservation of the species, a recent study investigated the ecological niche of the loggerhead turtle in the crucial area of ​​the Adriatic-Ionian Sea, highlighting the priorities for the species in the reproductive period of April-September and in the winter one.

Computing ship strikes and near miss events of fin whales along the main ferry routes in the Pelagos Sanctuary and adjacent west area, in summer
Computing ship strikes and near miss events of fin whales along the main ferry routes in the Pelagos Sanctuary and adjacent west area, in summer
Mar 17, 2022

In the Mediterranean, collisions with large ships are considered among the main threats to the fin whale, a species considered vulnerable by the IUCN red lists for the risk of extinction in the Mediterranean.

Since 2007, a network of various entities coordinated by ISPRA (FLT Med Net),  has been studying the impacts of maritime traffic along the main sea routes in the Mediterranean, collecting data on collision or near miss events.

Final meeting of the project LIFE SE POSSO "Posidonia...and not only"
Final meeting of the project LIFE SE POSSO "Posidonia...and not only"
Mar 15, 2022 10:00 AM — Mar 15, 2022 06:00 PM Rome, Auditorium della Tecnica – Via Umberto Tupini, 65

A conference talk show to talk about marine governance, Posidonia oceanica meadows to be protected and recovered, anthropogenic impacts on these protected habitats, good practices to be replicated in the Mediterranean, transparency and participation in the protection of our marine natural capital. Marine forests, blue carbon and Citizen science will also be discussed. European and national institutional authorities will participate, the main Stakeholders involved in the project, the research projects with which Life SEPOSSO has carried out a wide and heterogeneous networking activity.

The event will be moderate by Fabio Gallo of Linea Blu Tv show.


Streaming live channel YouTube ISPRA 

Further information:

Presentation of the EcoAtl@nte
Presentation of the EcoAtl@nte
Mar 01, 2022 11:30 AM — Mar 01, 2022 01:30 PM

Finally a unique single point of access to Italian environmental data, also accompanied by stories, photos and interactive maps: ISPRA presents the EcoAtlante, the journey into the Italian environment that allows you to discover and share the highly topical issues that affect our country today .

An absolute news: the possibility of creating customized national and local maps with data, trends and SNPA percentages from the various themes.

During the presentation, the operation and the different ways of sharing maps and data will be illustrated.

Come and compose your map!




Press release (ita) 

Video EcoAtl@nte

Interview with Michele Munafò

Follow the event on Zoom

ID riunione: 871 1235 3246

Passcode: 850048

World Seagrass Day
World Seagrass Day
Mar 01, 2022 — Mar 01, 2022

Underwater seagrass beds are valuable ecosystems for the oceans. They produce enormous quantities of oxygen and capture carbon dioxide from the atmosphere, provide food and shelter for many species and protect the beaches. Unfortunately they are strongly threatened by anthropogenic impacts and it is essential to improve the conservation and monitoring of these ecosystems around the world.

What is the impact of plastics on sea turtles?
What is the impact of plastics on sea turtles?
Feb 15, 2022

ISPRA researchers have explained during the tv show Geo the impact of plastic on sea turtles and presented the publication “Marine Litter: looking forward a new world” e il fumetto "Carrie. A brave turtle in a changing world".

Will the abandonment of single-use plastic serve to free the Sicilian seabed from waste?
Will the abandonment of single-use plastic serve to free the Sicilian seabed from waste?
Jan 27, 2022

From 14 January 2022 the sale of single-use plastic products is prohibited, will this serve to improve the situation of the seabed in Sicily? How does the waste finish into the sea? How has the Italian situation changed from 2019 to today? An ISPRA researcher, guest of MedicalExcellence TV, talked about all this topic.