Istituto Superiore per la Protezione
e la Ricerca Ambientale


Events and News

In the program Futuro24 some activities of ISPRA
In the program Futuro24 some activities of ISPRA
Aug 10, 2022

Futuro24, Rai News24's in-depth column, enters the ISPRA laboratories to talk about projects dedicated to the protection of animal species and the territory.

In the episode: the national monitoring of the wolf, land consumption and the creation of the geological cartography of Italy.

Which are the districts of Rome most at risk of chasms?
Which are the districts of Rome most at risk of chasms?
Aug 03, 2022

ISPRA in collaboration with the CNR-IGAG has launched a study project for the susceptibility to anthropogenic sinkholes since 2017. The city of Rome rises above a complex network of underground cavities, for the most part still unknown, produced by human activities, at various times, in more than two thousand years. The presence of underground cavities in particular conditions can cause the collapse of the most superficial layers of the soil with the formation of surface chasms (anthropogenic sinkholes).

EcoAtl@nte: land consumption
EcoAtl@nte: land consumption
Jul 29, 2022

Look at the main transformations of the territory on EcoAtl@ante and create your map.

ISPRA's dissemination and didactic activities for the knowledge of Earth Sciences
ISPRA's dissemination and didactic activities for the knowledge of Earth Sciences
Jul 29, 2022

ISPRA carries out educational and educational activities to promote knowledge of Earth Sciences at schools. The Institute's researchers and technologists go to primary and secondary schools in Rome and Lazio or welcome students to the Institute's Rome office. It is also possible to carry out seminars remotely through the web platforms. The students will be involved in numerous activities and debates in order to convey to them the passion for Earth Sciences.

Presentation of the National Report “Land consumption, territorial dynamics and ecosystem services. Edition 2022"
Presentation of the National Report “Land consumption, territorial dynamics and ecosystem services. Edition 2022"
Jul 26, 2022 12:00 PM — Jul 26, 2022 03:00 PM Webinar

On July 26 it will be presented the 2022 edition of the Report "Land consumption, territorial dynamics and ecosystem services" by the National System for Environmental Protection (SNPA) . The Report, together with the cartography and the databases of indicators available for each Italian municipality, provides the updated picture of the processes of transformation of the land cover and allows to evaluate the degradation of the territory and the impact of land consumption, urbanization. and infrastructure on the landscape and ecosystem services.

Video webinar


Press release (ita)

Dossier press (ita)

Rapporto Consumo di suolo e dinamiche territoriali e servizi ecosistemici

Summary report

Data for regions, province and municipalities 2021 

Tables with main data  (2006-2021) for regions, provinces and municipalities

Presentazione dei principali dati sul consumo di suolo
Michele Munafò - ISPRA

Mining activities: sustainable experiences and perspectives
Mining activities: sustainable experiences and perspectives
Jul 26, 2022 11:00 AM — Jul 26, 2022 03:30 PM Carbonia/Online

The mining industry has always been a key sector for the social and economic development of civilizations. Today, more than ever, the extractive sector needs urgent policies that are sustainable and compatible with the increasingly significant environmental emergencies

A framework law for Italian soil as part of the European soil strategy
A framework law for Italian soil as part of the European soil strategy
Jul 19, 2022 11:30 AM — Jul 19, 2022 03:15 PM Rome - Chiostro del Convento di Santa Maria sopra Minerva - Sala Capitolare

The conference will present the draft law AS 2614 “Framework law for the protection and sustainable management of the soil” produced with the contribution of agricultural scientific associations. It will be an opportunity to discuss the serious threats affecting the soil but above all on operational solutions for its sustainable management, and will involve representatives of politics, institutions and research with the aim of launching initiatives to protect and manage this natural resource

Exhibition on ISPRA Geological and Historical Collections
Exhibition on ISPRA Geological and Historical Collections
Jul 19, 2022 11:00 AM — Jul 19, 2022 12:30 PM Online event

Press Conference to present the 2022 program of the Museum of Civilizations of Rome

Tuesday 19 July, from 11:00 to 12:30, the Museum of Civilizations will present the program of 2022 activities which provides for the progressive rearrangement of some collections, as well as the start of long-term research projects, seminars, workshops, new productions and inter-institutional collaborations with national and international partners.

During the press conference, will be presented the Animals, Plants, Rocks and Minerals> Towards a Multispecies Museum. The ISPRA geo-paleontology and litho-mineralogy collections and the inauguration appointment, scheduled at the Museum of Civilization, Science Hall, has been announced.

The exhibition constitutes the first chapter of the progressive musealization of the prestigious Paleontological, Litho-mineralogical and Historical Collections of the Geological Service, granted by ISPRA on a multi-year loan to the Museum of Civilizations following a collaboration agreement signed by the two bodies.

Streamig live Youtube del Muciv

Photo gallery

Further information

The "invisible waters" of Rome : monitoring of groundwater, a precious resource to be protected and enhanced
The "invisible waters" of Rome : monitoring of groundwater, a precious resource to be protected and enhanced
Jul 18, 2022

The Geological Survey of Italy and the Municipality of Rome signed an agreement to monitor the groundwater of the city. The subsoil of the capital of Italy is not only rich in ruins of the Roman civilization, but also in groundwater. The monitoring network has more than 200 monitoring points between wells and piezometers, some of which are continuously monitored. Groundwater level, temperature, pH and electric conductivity data are collected and recorded on a web app that will soon be available online. In order to raise the public awareness of this activity, ISPRA produced a documentary video entitled "What flows under our feet?" in which the monitoring details are explained.

Walking through the environment
Walking through the environment
Jul 15, 2022

“Walking through the environment” is an ISPRA publication aimed at an audience of young students and non-experts. The Ministry of education recognizes it as a contribution to the “RiGenerazione Scuola” National Plan.
The virtual walk stretches through six environmental paths: Crossing the city; Trip to the countryside; Towards the sea; Going up the river; Back home, it comes full circle; Education, a sustainability agenda.

Proximity, Digital Twins, Big Data and Territory Management
Proximity, Digital Twins, Big Data and Territory Management
Jul 13, 2022 12:00 PM — Jul 13, 2022 08:00 PM Webinar

The webinar "Proximity, digital twins, big data and territorial management. Digital and ecological transition and rebalancing of territories" will be held today as part of the cycle of seminars Proximity and Citizenship Gap organized by the CNEL.

Geological and geomorphological cartography - Applications in territorial planning and risk management
Geological and geomorphological cartography - Applications in territorial planning and risk management
Jul 01, 2022 05:00 PM — Jul 01, 2022 09:30 PM Palermo/Online

The conference includes two sessions that will deal with the new geological cartography of the CARG project and the interpretations and practical applications, the SUFRA project (FRana susceptibility) for the realization of maps of landslide susceptibility at various scales, using the data of the new geological maps ( CARG), the landslide inventory (IFFI) and the PAI archive.
The second session will deal with the issues of updating the PAI with related applications on the classification, evolution and monitoring of landslides and the actions to safeguard the territory for risk management.

EC Public Consultation on an Integrated Management Action Plan of nitrogen and phosphorus
EC Public Consultation on an Integrated Management Action Plan of nitrogen and phosphorus
Jul 01, 2022

The EC Action Plan for an integrated management of Nutrients ( nitrogen and phosphorus ), which are are essential for life, aims at contributing to achieve  the European Green Deal’s 2030 target of reducing nutrient losses by 50%, while not compromising the soil fertility. Nutrient loss leads not only to soil pollution but also to air pollution and water pollution, loss of biodiversity and a wide range of climate-change impacts. 

Discussions of Applied Hydrology: cycle of seminars organized by the Italian Hydrological Society
Discussions of Applied Hydrology: cycle of seminars organized by the Italian Hydrological Society
Jun 23, 2022 11:30 AM — Jun 23, 2022 02:30 PM

Review and update of the Flood Risk Management Plans. Current situation and next goals

The Italian Hydrological Society (SII)  is organizing a cycle of remote seminars entitled "Discussions of Applied Hydrology" aimed at investigating issues such as the role of Hydrology is particularly relevant, through the analysis and discussion of the most widely used procedures.

Summer Camp - The Nature of Sea 2022
Summer Camp - The Nature of Sea 2022
Jun 23, 2022 — Jun 25, 2022 Rimini

For the health of the sea and its marine and coastal habitats
A summer training school with young university students, professionals and public officials, while the teachers are professors of the three sponsoring universities, experts in ecological subjects, representatives of active citizenship and associations, personalities with clear ecological, environmental and sustainable culture.

Complexity and environmental protection
Complexity and environmental protection
Jun 17, 2022 05:45 PM — Jun 17, 2022 09:00 PM Lentini

The meeting is among the world events of the Day of Desertification and Drought on the UNCCD website.
Starting from some dramatic evidence now consolidated in the world, the interventions will focus on the reality of Sicily and on the possible remedies that can counter the disastrous results caused by the climate crisis and the mismanagement of our land.

Desertification and Drought World Day
Desertification and Drought World Day
Jun 17, 2022 11:30 AM — Jun 17, 2022 03:30 PM Online event

The Desertification and Drought World Day 2022 will be celebrated in Sassari in the context of the Summer School “SANAI SA TERRA” (in Sardo language: “Healing the soil”) on the environmental contamination and soil restoration. The event is organized by the Department of Agricultural Sciences and by the Desertification Research Centre (NRD) of the University of Sassari, in Sardinia and is sponsored by
the PRIMA foundation, by the Italian Society of Agronomy, the Italian Association of Agricultural Scientific Societies and Desertnet international. It is addressed to graduate students, PhD students, researchers, agronomists, and other stakeholders will include three sessions.

General States of Geothermal
General States of Geothermal
Jun 16, 2022 11:00 AM — Jun 16, 2022 08:30 PM Rome (Sala Capranichetta dell’Hotel Nazionale in Piazza Montecitorio n.131) and Webinar

The conference represents an opportunity to share the state of the art of geothermal  in Italy, evaluating the importance of the resource and feasibility in the context of relaunching national energy production.
The components of the "Geothermal Platform" take part in the event, who have been working  in order to provide proposals and support the potential of this renewable resource.

Towards the United Nations World Day for Combating Desertification and Drought on 17 June
Towards the United Nations World Day for Combating Desertification and Drought on 17 June
Jun 14, 2022 01:30 PM — Jun 14, 2022 03:00 PM Webinar

Indications from UNCCD COP 15 and actions for Land Degradation Neutrality

The meetings scheduled in the context of the Fifteenth Conference of the Parties (COP 15) and of the Subsidiary Bodies of the 197 Countries Parties to the United Nations Convention for Combating Desertification and the Effects of Drought - UNCCD, were held in Abidjan (Costa d ' Ivory) from 9 to 20 May 2022.
The topic was “Land. Life. Legacy: From scarcity to prosperity ”, and brought together leaders from governments, representatives of the private sector and civil society, to discuss the actions necessary to ensure sustainable land management for present and future generations.

In the Italian delegation, representatives of ISPRA participated in COP 15, together with representatives of the Ministry of Ecological Transition, the Ministry of Foreign Affairs and International Cooperation, and the Italian Agency for Development Cooperation.
During the webinar will be presented the actions carried out, both at European and national level, to achieve the objectives of Land Degradation Neutrality and the characteristics and functioning of the UNCCD.


Urban Digital Center - Open Urban Innovation Laboratory
Urban Digital Center - Open Urban Innovation Laboratory
Jun 10, 2022 — Jun 10, 2022 Rovigo

The Urban Digital Center - Open Urban Innovation Laboratory is held from 9 to 11 June. A three-day event to tell the story of two years of Urban Digital Center - Innovation Lab and the 11 Digital Gyms of Rovigo, Adria and Villadose. An opportunity to illustrate the results achieved with animation activities, worklabs, hackathons, information meetings and seminars addressed to citizens, businesses and public administrations.

Fourth Day of Geology and History. Use of geo-historical sources for the reconstruction of climatic variations
Fourth Day of Geology and History. Use of geo-historical sources for the reconstruction of climatic variations
Jun 09, 2022 — Jun 09, 2022 Roma, Società Geografica Italiana/Online

The Department for the Geological Service of Italy - ISPRA, the Italian Geographic Society and SIGEA propose a study day on "The use of geo-historical sources for the reconstruction of climatic variations".
The day is the fourth of the second cycle "Study Days of Geology and History", appointments organized to analyze the current state of knowledge regarding the climatic variations that occurred in historical times and in different geological periods.
The topics addressed in this study day will be the possible correlations between natural events, hydrogeological instability and climatic variations.

A relay race for the environment
A relay race for the environment
Jun 05, 2022 12:00 PM — Jun 05, 2022 12:45 PM Online event - Eur lake of Rome

50th World Environment Day
With the aim to celebrate the 50th anniversary of the Stockholm Conference, the first world conference on the environment, the UNEP (United Nation Environment Program) has chosen the #OnlyOneEarth theme. In the Universe there are billions of galaxies, in ours there are billions of planets, but there is only one planet Earth. In order for all its inhabitants to survive, humans must lead a sustainable lifestyle, safeguarding limited resources and remaining in harmony with nature. In the Conference of 1972, 26 principles were identified on the conservation and enhancement of the environment, which after 50 years remain a useful guide to follow.

One hundred and more ... millions of years of Park geology
One hundred and more ... millions of years of Park geology
Jun 03, 2022 — Jun 04, 2022 San Donato Val di Comino (FR)

On the occasion of the centenary of the Abruzzo, Lazio and Molise National Park, San Donato Val di Comino (FR) will host a two-day event dedicated to the Geology of the Park!
The appointment is on 3 June 2022 at the "L. Cellucci "of San Donato, where a scientific conference will be held organized by the Park in collaboration with the Department of Engineering and Geology of the University G. d'Annunzio Chieti-Pescara and the participation of ISPRA researchers and the president of the Italian Geology Association and Tourism.

For a sustainable soil management
For a sustainable soil management
May 30, 2022 11:30 AM — May 30, 2022 06:00 PM Milano

On 30 May, Politecnico di Milano will hold a conference in which the results of the European project SOIL4Life will be announced and at the same time the CRCS 2022 Report will be presented "Land consumption, ecosystem services and Green infrastructures: Methods, research and innovative projects to increase capital and improve urban resilience ".

Ad limina. Borders and transdisciplinary contaminations in the history of science
Ad limina. Borders and transdisciplinary contaminations in the history of science
May 30, 2022 — Jun 01, 2022 Catania

National Conference of the Italian Society of the History of Science (SISS)
From 30 May to 1 June the National Conference of the Italian Society of the History of Science is held in Catania, entitled "Ad limina. Transdisciplinary frontiers and contaminations in the history of science".

Mines National Day 2022: XIV edition
Mines National Day 2022: XIV edition
May 28, 2022 — May 29, 2022 National territory

The National Day of Mines, promoted to spread the value and cultural significance of geological tourism, has reached its fourteenth edition this year, registering growing interest throughout the country.
The initiative, organized by REMI-ISPRA-SNPA, MISE, AIPAI, ANIM, ASSOMINERARIA with the patronage of the National Council of Geologists and EuroGeoSurveys, this year in collaboration with the Mining Museum Park of the Sulfur Mines of the Marche and the Emilia-Romagna provides for the organization of events throughout the national territory and the creation of a "national calendar" with all the initiatives promoted by the Sites / Museums and Mining Parks.

The geosites of the Marche. A heritage of geodiversity of exceptional value
The geosites of the Marche. A heritage of geodiversity of exceptional value
May 26, 2022 05:00 PM — May 26, 2022 07:30 PM Ancona

During the event, the results achieved by the working group engaged in the collection of data on the geological heritage of the Marche will be presented, also in order to define a regional bill for the protection and enhancement of geosites.

EGU 2022
EGU 2022
May 23, 2022 — May 27, 2022 Vienna/online

The General Assembly of EGU 2022 brings together geoscientists from around the world for a meeting that covers all disciplines of the Earth, planetary and space sciences. The EGU aims to provide a forum where scientists, especially early career scientists, can present their work and discuss their ideas with experts in all fields of geoscience.

Earth observation applied to the management of the carbon cycle and of the irrigation resource within an agricultural district
Earth observation applied to the management of the carbon cycle and of the irrigation resource within an agricultural district
May 20, 2022 — May 27, 2022 Webinar

The first Open School of the Ismea Copernicus Academy project for the National Rural Network will be held on 20, 24, 25, 27 May, mainly addressed to agricultural consultants.
The School is organized by Ismea, PSR AdG of the Region, National Coordination of the Copernicus Academy, States General for Innovation, Federico II University of Naples and ARPA Campania with the participation of ISPRA and CREA.

May 09, 2022 — May 20, 2022 Abidjan (Costa d’Avorio)

The biennial meeting of the delegations of 197 signatory countries of the United Nations Convention for the Fight against Desertification and the Effects of Drought - UNCCD will take place in Abidjan (Ivory Coast) from 9 to 20 May 2022, during which the sessions will be held of the Fifteenth Conference of the Parties (COP 15) and of the Subsidiary Bodies, i.e. the Twentieth Session of the Committee for the Review of the Implementation of the Convention (CRIC 20) and the Fifteenth Session of the Committee on Science and Technology (CST 15). Italy has been a signatory of the UNCCD since 1994.