A framework law for Italian soil as part of the European soil strategy
The conference will present the draft law AS 2614 “Framework law for the protection and sustainable management of the soil” produced with the contribution of agricultural scientific associations. It will be an opportunity to discuss the serious threats affecting the soil but above all on operational solutions for its sustainable management, and will involve representatives of politics, institutions and research with the aim of launching initiatives to protect and manage this natural resource
- https://development.isprambiente.gov.it/en/archive/news-and-other-events/ispra-news/2022/07/a-framework-law-for-italian-soil-as-part-of-the-european-soil-strategy
- A framework law for Italian soil as part of the European soil strategy
- 2022-07-19T09:30:00+00:00
- 2022-07-19T13:15:00+00:00
- The conference will present the draft law AS 2614 “Framework law for the protection and sustainable management of the soil” produced with the contribution of agricultural scientific associations. It will be an opportunity to discuss the serious threats affecting the soil but above all on operational solutions for its sustainable management, and will involve representatives of politics, institutions and research with the aim of launching initiatives to protect and manage this natural resource
- When Jul 19, 2022 from 09:30 AM to 01:15 PM (GMT+0 / UTC0)
- Where Rome - Chiostro del Convento di Santa Maria sopra Minerva - Sala Capitolare
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