Istituto Superiore per la Protezione
e la Ricerca Ambientale


Events and News

World Environment Day 2024
World Environment Day 2024
Jun 05, 2024 — Jun 05, 2024

World Environment Day has been celebrated since 1972 and represents the United Nations' main vehicle for encouraging global awareness and action for the environment.

The 2024 day, hosted by Saudi Arabia, focuses on land restoration, desertification and drought resilience with the slogan “Our land. Our future. We are #GenerationRestoration.

According to the United Nations Convention to Combat Desertification, up to 40% of the planet's land is degraded, directly affecting half the world's population and threatening about half of global GDP ($44 trillion). The number and duration of droughts have increased by 29% since 2000: without urgent action, droughts could affect more than three-quarters of the world's population by 2050.

Land restoration is a key pillar of the United Nations Decade for Ecosystem Restoration (2021-2030), a call for the protection and revival of ecosystems around the world that is critical to achieving the Sustainable Development Goals.

2024 marks the 30th anniversary of the United Nations Convention to Combat Desertification. The sixteenth session of the Conference of the Parties (COP 16) to the United Nations Convention to Combat Desertification (UNCCD) will be held in the Saudi capital, Riyadh, from 2 to 13 December 2024.

UNCDD country report 2022 Italy 

The national IdroGeo platform on hydrogeological instability: data and services for the PA and companies
The national IdroGeo platform on hydrogeological instability: data and services for the PA and companies
May 30, 2024 09:00 AM — May 30, 2024 01:30 PM Roma, Palazzetto Mattei in Villa Celimontana

ISPRA meets decision makers and stakeholders

The conference "The IdroGEO national platform on hydrogeological instability: data and services for the PA and  companies - ISPRA meets decision makers and stakeholders", organized as part of the Open Gov Week, will be held on 30 May.
ISPRA will present the balance sheet on data and services provided by the national IdroGEO platform, four years after its launch in May 2020.
The IdroGEO Platform is an open data, open source and multilingual web application that allows you to view, query, download and share maps and data on hydrogeological instability in Italy.

It is a communication and information dissemination tool, to support decisions in the context of risk mitigation policies, territorial planning, preliminary planning of infrastructures, planning of structural soil defense interventions, management of hydrogeological emergencies and of environmental assessments.

As part of the event, the new functions for consulting and sharing hazard data and maps, hydrogeological risk indicators and the Inventory of Landslide Phenomena in Italy will be presented. The event will constitute a moment of meeting and discussion with decision makers, businesses, professions, universities and associations.


XVI National Mining Day - 2024 Edition
XVI National Mining Day - 2024 Edition
May 25, 2024 — May 26, 2024 National territory

National Mining Day, promoted to spread the value and cultural significance of mining tourism, has reached its sixteenth edition this year, registering growing interest across the entire national territory. The initiative, organized by REMI, ISPRA SNPA, with MASEAIPAIANIMASSORISORSEG&T  and the patronage of Consiglio Nazionale dei GeologiEuroGeoSurveys e Primavera della Mobilità dolce involves the organization of dedicated events throughout the national territory and the creation of a "national calendar" with all the initiatives promoted by the Sites/Museums and Mining Parks.

CARG project: geological cartography towards the future
CARG project: geological cartography towards the future
May 24, 2024 04:00 PM — May 24, 2024 06:00 PM Webinar

As part of the cycle of in-depth online seminars "Caffè di Geologica" on Friday 24 May at 4.00 pm an ISPRA researcher will talk about the "CARG Project: geological cartography towards the future".

Earth! Challenges, innovations and prospects
Earth! Challenges, innovations and prospects
May 23, 2024 — May 25, 2024 Palermo

The Congress of Italian geologists organized by the National Council of Geologists will be held in Palermo from 23 to 25 May.
The main objective of the congress is to highlight the centrality of new contemporary challenges relating to geo-resources, the environment, energy, climate change, infrastructure, risk planning and management and training.

Urban Geo-climate Footprint selected among the finalists of the Color PA Award of the PA Forum 2024
Urban Geo-climate Footprint selected among the finalists of the Color PA Award of the PA Forum 2024
May 22, 2024

Produced by ISPRA in collaboration with EuroGeoSurveys, Urban Geo-climate Footprint is the tool that classifies cities from a geological and climatic point of view to help them face the challenges of the future.
It allows you to measure, through the so-called UGF INDEX, the geological complexity of a city, and consequently evaluate the benefits that it could have in the event of impact mitigation. The classification of cities from this point of view can allow comparison between cities with similar characteristics and therefore encourage the exchange of good practices for solving geological-climatic problems.

Flood, landslide and drought emergencies: the role of Naturalistic Engineering and NBS - Nature Based Solutions
Flood, landslide and drought emergencies: the role of Naturalistic Engineering and NBS - Nature Based Solutions
May 16, 2024 10:30 AM — May 16, 2024 04:00 PM Rome, ISPRA headquarter, via Vitaliano Brancati 48

"For effective results, interoperability is required, integrated interventions are necessary and naturalistic engineering is an important partner in a path towards correct territorial planning" - said the ISPRA DG, Maria Siclari, who spoke today at the workshop organized by AIPIN and ISPRA on the topic of hydrogeological instability and climate change as contributing causes of the frequent emergencies, the serious damage and the numerous victims that are recorded every year.
"Knowledge plays a fundamental role: ISPRA has registered 622 thousand landslides, 2/3 of the European context, Rendis 25 thousand interventions, 30% of which fall on the Natura 2000 network. Without scientifically validated data, useful interventions for the mitigation of the hydrogeological risk" - added the Director General.

During the conference, the topic of Nature-based solutions was also addressed, in English Nature Based Solutions - NBS, solutions aimed at the restoration, recovery or protection of natural processes to protect ecosystems and biodiversity, with advantages also for human well-being, are winners. European and national strategies and programmes, also supported by the National Recovery and Resilience Plan (PNRR), go in this direction.



RaStEM: a support tool for the design of hydrogeological risk mitigation interventions
RaStEM: a support tool for the design of hydrogeological risk mitigation interventions
May 15, 2024 09:30 AM — May 15, 2024 02:00 PM Rome, Sala Consiglio Nazionale degli Ingegneri, Piano terra, Via XX Settembre 5

The workshop "RaStEM: a support tool for the design of hydrogeological risk mitigation interventions" will be held in Rome on 15 May.
RaStEM - Standardized Representation of Mitigation Effects - is a web gis tool developed by ISPRA with the dual purpose of guiding designers to a clear and homogeneous representation of the significant elements of a hydrogeological risk mitigation intervention and supporting them in the drafting of projects consistent with the criteria established by current legislation (DPCM 09/27/2021) for their financing by the Ministry of the Environment and Energy Security (MASE).

Final conference of NewLife4Drylands project
Final conference of NewLife4Drylands project
May 14, 2024 — May 16, 2024 Rome, Orto Botanico, Largo Cristina di Svezia

Next May, from 14th to 16th, the final conference of the Newlife4drylands project will be held in Rome. Experts, scientists, policy makers and the project partners will present land degradation and desertification tools and strategies for land monitoring and restoring degraded areas, from global to national and local level developed in the frame of the project, together with the pilot sites experiences. During the Conference three days, options and proposals as well as concrete experiences to achieve land degradation neutrality and combat desertification will be discussed, considering also their contribution to define and implement the monitoring framework contained in the EU Proposal for a Directive on soil monitoring and resilience.  
Sustainable Development Festival 2024
Sustainable Development Festival 2024
May 07, 2024 — May 23, 2024

The Sustainable Development Festival is promoted by the Italian Alliance for Sustainable Development (ASviS) with the aim of raising awareness among citizens, young generations, businesses, associations and institutions on the issues of economic, social and environmental sustainability.
An opportunity to spread the culture of sustainability and achieve a cultural change that allows Italy to implement the United Nations 2030 Agenda and achieve the 17 Sustainable Development Goals (SDGs). The Festival has also been recognized by the United Nations as an innovative and unique initiative at an international level, twice ranking as a finalist in the SDGs Action Awards.

The study of FAC - Active and Capable Faults in Territorial Planning
The study of FAC - Active and Capable Faults in Territorial Planning
May 06, 2024 02:30 PM — May 06, 2024 06:00 PM Rieti

The conference, organized by the Order of Geologists of Lazio and the Order of Engineers of the province of Rieti, with the patronage of ISPRA and INGV, will be held on Monday 6 May. ISPRA will present the results of the studies carried out on the FACs present along the south-eastern edge of the Rieti basin, financed by the Commissioner for Earthquake Reconstruction 2016 and merged into the products of Level III Seismic Microzonation.

We're the environment, you're the environment!
We're the environment, you're the environment!
Apr 25, 2024 — Apr 28, 2024 Roma

The ISPRA General Director, Maria Siclari, opened the FloraCult event today by participating in the talk "The Environment is us, the Environment is YOU!" dedicated to the discovery of the people and actions carried out every day by the Institute to understand and protect the environment.
"ISPRA produces data that it makes available to everyone, because without knowledge it is not possible to protect the environment - declared the General Director - the Ecoatlante is the tool that makes them understandable and usable. Climate changes that cause extreme events, monitoring and restoration of the marine environment with the PNRR MER project, geological cartography for a deeper investigation of the territories and their history, are just some of the many activities we carry out in ISPRA". 

Until April 28th it will be possible to visit a specially set up space to get an idea of ​​the activities that concern the Environment at 360°. Visitors will be able to move between exhibition panels, where they will find geological maps, data on emerging environmental themes and stories in images of geologists at work. Furthermore, they will be able to speak directly with ISPRA researchers and travel in the EcoAtl@nte and among the geological maps of the CARG Project, simply using their smartphone.

The event has the scientific patronage of ISPRA

Photo gallery

Further information 

From reclamation to restoration: Sustainable environmental restoration
From reclamation to restoration: Sustainable environmental restoration
Apr 19, 2024 — Apr 19, 2024 Milano

The remediation of reclaimed sites and the activities to bring them back to a second life and make them an added value for the surrounding areas: this is the focus on which the second edition of the conference "From remediation to remediation" will take place, organized by the Environment, Energy and climate, civil protection of the Lombardy Regional Council.

National Day for the Prevention and Mitigation of Hydrogeological Risk
National Day for the Prevention and Mitigation of Hydrogeological Risk
Apr 18, 2024 — Apr 18, 2024 Rome, Acquario Romano

Climate change and challenges for land protection

The increasingly frequent extreme events present institutions, researchers and technical professionals with new challenges in the field of risk prevention and mitigation techniques. During the conference the topic of hydrogeological instability will be discussed by addressing it from different points of view in order to map the needs and offer concrete ideas.

Reduce impacts on the coast. Erosion, storm surges, sea level rise, heat waves
Reduce impacts on the coast. Erosion, storm surges, sea level rise, heat waves
Apr 17, 2024 03:00 PM — Apr 17, 2024 07:00 PM Ostia

The conference, organized by the Municipality of Rome, is the fourth appointment in a series of public meetings dedicated to consulting citizens on the proposed Climate Adaptation Strategy of Rome, the capital.

OFFICINE EUDOSSIANA - faults, borders, gaps, horizons - conversation on engineering in transition
OFFICINE EUDOSSIANA - faults, borders, gaps, horizons - conversation on engineering in transition
Apr 16, 2024 09:30 AM — Apr 16, 2024 01:30 PM Rome

The meeting is organized by the Faculty of Civil and Industrial Engineering of Sapienza University as part of the FIGI project (Faculty of Engineering and Large Enterprises).
The event is dedicated to the discussion on paradigm shifts, on new horizons, on discontinuities, which involve to varying degrees all the disciplines that fall within engineering and which question the teachers of these disciplines and the students who will become engineers.

ISPRA at the Rome Science Festival
ISPRA at the Rome Science Festival
Apr 16, 2024 — Apr 21, 2024 Rome, Auditorium Parco della Musica Ennio Morricone

From 16 to 21 April 2024 the Rome Science Festival returns to the Auditorium Parco della Musica Ennio Morricone with its 19th edition.

Mistakes and wonders is the theme of this edition, dedicated to the wonder that accompanies every discovery, the engine that pushes scientists to explore, ask questions and question consolidated knowledge, always going further. Wondering, even in the face of crises and problems, is the first step in seeking new answers and solutions, on a path not without missteps, failures and denials, errors.

ISPRA is the scientific partner of the event and promotes a series of initiatives.


16 - 21 april 15:00 - 21:00

Mostra "Relitti, rifiuti e biodiversità nelle profondità del Mediterraneo"

16 - 21 april  15:00 - 21:00

Mostra "Meravigliosa natura, umani errori"

19 april  18:30

Che tempo farà? Incertezze nelle previsioni metereologiche

20 - 21 april 8:45 e 9:15

Le attività di ISPRA e la Tenuta Presidenziale di Castelporziano
Evento gratuito con prenotazione obbligatoria

20 - 21 april 11:00 - 15:30

Laboratorio "Mostra "Meravigliosa natura, umani errori"

21 april ore 11:00

Sottoterra nessuno può sentirti urlare

ISPRA opens its doors to the University of Roma Tre
ISPRA opens its doors to the University of Roma Tre
Apr 09, 2024 Rome, ISPRA - Conference room

On April 9th, a meeting was held in the ISPRA conference room with the teachers and students of the Cartography Course of the Department of Humanistic Studies of the RomaTre University.

An opportunity to present the history of geological cartography with a view to the evolution of scientific, technological and cultural knowledge that has developed from its origins to the present day and to present research, studies, analyzes and valorization and dissemination projects in close connection with the territory.

CARG project: geological cartography towards the future
CARG project: geological cartography towards the future
Apr 05, 2024

The Geological Cartography project at the 1:50,000 scale (CARG project), after a long phase of stasis linked to the absence of financing, was able to resume its activity in 2020, thanks to important contributions contained in the 2019-2022 budget laws , in a more innovative way, through the launch of a collaborative and multidisciplinary model established between different components of the geological community: a strategic and homogeneous infrastructure present throughout the Italian territory. The geological knowledge summarized in the CARG project provides, in fact, an indispensable tool to respond to many of the sustainability objectives established in the United Nations 2030 agenda.

Sinkhole in Rome in the Quadraro area
Sinkhole in Rome in the Quadraro area
Mar 29, 2024

The Quadraro neighborhood is an area with numerous underground tunnels built in ancient Rome to extract building materials. Stefania Nisio ISPRA said: "Rome is among the cities most at risk of land sinking with 100 sinkholes every year; in 2018 alone there were more than 170 sinkholes in the capital".

Interpretation of subsurface investigations for seismic microzonation purposes
Interpretation of subsurface investigations for seismic microzonation purposes
Mar 28, 2024

The Institute of Environmental Geology and Geoengineering of the CNR (CNR-IGAG) and ISPRA have stipulated a collaboration agreement aimed at the interpretation of the subsoil data collected by ISPRA within the framework of the Law of 4 August 1984 n. 464, to be able to classify them according to the Guidelines and Standards of computer representation and archiving (latest version 4.2) for Seismic Microzonation studies.

ISPRA's IdroGEO platform awarded at the European Public Sector Award
ISPRA's IdroGEO platform awarded at the European Public Sector Award
Mar 21, 2024 — Mar 21, 2024 Maastricht

The EPSA - European Public Sector Award 2023-2024 awards ceremony was held today in Maastricht. IdroGEO, ISPRA's national platform for consulting, sharing and downloading maps and data on hydrogeological instability, has received the "Good practice certificate" in the "Innovation in public administrations" category. EPSA is a European-wide awards program for public sector bodies, organized by the European Institute of Public Administration - EIPA.


Day of study and celebration on the figure of Quintino Sella, mining engineer
Day of study and celebration on the figure of Quintino Sella, mining engineer
Mar 16, 2024 09:00 AM — Mar 16, 2024 01:00 PM Biella

The Order of Engineers of Biella, after 140 years after his death,  intends to celebrate his relevance in its vision of the precursor of one of the 4 industrial revolutions, the second where the search for raw materials was one of the engines for development. The relevance of the figure of Quintino Sella today is linked to his desire to have wanted the drafting of a geological map useful for the exploration of the main mineral resources useful in the period of the nineteenth-century industrial revolution.

The value of the landscape as a place of interaction of natural and anthropic factors
The value of the landscape as a place of interaction of natural and anthropic factors
Mar 14, 2024 03:00 PM — Mar 14, 2024 07:00 PM Rome/online

On March 14, on the occasion of National Landscape Day, SIGEA-APS in collaboration with the Order of Geologists of Lazio and the Order of Doctors of Agronomists and Forestry Doctors of the Province of Rome, with the patronage of the Italian Federation of Doctors in Agricultural Sciences and Forestry Sciences and CATAP, is organizing the study day "The value of the landscape as a place of interaction of natural and anthropic factors".

On-line the new environmental indicators data base ISPRA
On-line the new environmental indicators data base ISPRA
Mar 04, 2024

An effective tool to understand the state of the environment in Italy
Developed with a view to improvement, to face increasingly pressing environmental challenges and to satisfy new knowledge needs, including future scenarios, the ISPRA environmental indicators database disseminates detailed statistical information in a dynamic and timely manner characterized by a high scientific solidity.

Interventions and works at reclamation sites: regulatory and technical aspects
Interventions and works at reclamation sites: regulatory and technical aspects
Feb 29, 2024 — Feb 29, 2024 Rome

The conference, addressed to public and private operators in the reclamation sector and companies in the construction sector, public services aims to analyze in detail the conditions currently in force provided for by national legislation and regional and regional guidelines. local and to highlight the possible regulatory adjustments and clarifications necessary to guarantee the sustainability of the reclamation interventions and, more generally, of the production and redevelopment activities of active and abandoned areas.

The Frontiers of Ecotoxicology
The Frontiers of Ecotoxicology
Feb 26, 2024 09:00 AM — Feb 26, 2024 01:30 PM Napoli

Organized by the Department of Pharmacy of the Federico University, the meeting is aimed at highlighting the role of ecotoxicology in the assessment of environmental quality and risk and the importance of the ecotoxicological approach in environmental management and remediation. Experts from the university sector, the CNR Water Research Institute, ISPRA,  Istituto Superiore di Sanità and Arpa Campania will participate as speakers.

The GeoSciencesIR Project meets the Regional Geological Services and stakeholders
The GeoSciencesIR Project meets the Regional Geological Services and stakeholders
Feb 26, 2024 — Feb 27, 2024 Rome

Mid-term Project Meeting
On 26 and 27 February, the representatives of the universities and research bodies involved in the project met in Rome, in the headquarters of the CNR National Research Council, to analyze the objectives achieved and plan the work of the coming months.

Local climate zones & open data cube (LCZ-ODC)
Local climate zones & open data cube (LCZ-ODC)
Feb 23, 2024 02:00 PM — Feb 23, 2024 07:15 PM Roma, Casa dell'Architettura

Satellite images to support planning and monitoring of the territory

The conference aims to be a training opportunity to learn about the “Local Climate Zones and Open Data Cube (LCZ-ODC)” project, managed by the Italian Space Agency (ASI) together with the Department of Civil and Environmental Engineering (DICA) of the Polytechnic of Milan (Polimi). The OAR was involved in the project to interact with the ASI and Polimi - DICA representatives on the possible requirements of the application, potentially useful for project and urban planning and for environmental assessments. The 1:10 scale model of the PRISMA satellite will be present in the room.

Presentation of the "Environment Report SNPA" - edition 2023
Presentation of the "Environment Report SNPA" - edition 2023
Feb 21, 2024 09:30 AM — Feb 21, 2024 12:30 PM Rome, Sala Polifunzionale della Presidenza del Consiglio dei Ministri, Via di Santa Maria in Via, 37b

The Report, now in its fourth edition, offers a detailed overview of the state of our environment based on objective, reliable and comparable information, with 21 environmental indicators that allow us to evaluate the achievement of the numerous set objectives and to effectively address future environmental challenges . The second part of the document highlights the commitment and work of ISPRA and the ARPA/APPA, through a focus on best practices for the fight against climate change, to support the circular economy, to contribute to the process of sustainable finance, to protect our health and our planet and to raise awareness and inform the community.


Spot Environment Report  SNPA

Environment Report SNPA - Edition 2023