Istituto Superiore per la Protezione
e la Ricerca Ambientale


Events and News

Flowpath 2021
Flowpath 2021
Dec 01, 2021 — Dec 03, 2021 Naples

On 1-3 December, the 5th National Flowpath Hydrogeology Conference 2021 will take place in Naples, organized by the Italian Committee of the International Association of Hydrogeologists IAH. The Conference is now a reference for the state of the art of research and applications of hydrogeology in the public and private sector.

The geological walks of ISPRA
The geological walks of ISPRA
Nov 27, 2021 — Nov 28, 2021 Rome

As part of the Rome Science Festival, ISPRA is organizing two geological walks on 27 and 28 November: "The river and the city: traces of the historic floods of the Tiber" and "Rome between two fires: how natural events have changed the morphology of the city".

ReMi guidelines: the first training course for mining operators has been concluded
ReMi guidelines: the first training course for mining operators has been concluded
Nov 25, 2021

The first training course for mining operators was held in Sessa, Switzerland, and in Saint Marcel, Val d'Aosta. The course has been organized according to the guidelines of the ReMi Network, the national network of mining parks and museums, coordinated by ISPRA, with the aim of promoting conservation, enhancement and protection of national mining heritage.

On the occasion of the new European soil strategy, ISPRA publishes the tenth video made as part of the Soil4Life project
On the occasion of the new European soil strategy, ISPRA publishes the tenth video made as part of the Soil4Life project
Nov 17, 2021

The new soil strategy has been published by the European Commission which defines a framework with concrete measures for the protection, restoration and sustainable use of soils. The goal is to increase the carbon capture capacity of agricultural land, combat desertification, restore degraded land and soils and ensure that by 2050 all soil ecosystems are in good condition.

ISPRA data on lindane presented today in Brussels
ISPRA data on lindane presented today in Brussels
Nov 16, 2021

16 november
The Italian data produced by ISPRA on the presence of the pesticide lindane in European soils were presented today in Brussels in the presence of several members of the European Parliament, including the Vice-President of the Environment Commission, Hon. César Luena, and officials of the European Commission. The contribution of the ISPRA Geological Survey of Italy was decisive for the success of the study. The launch of the new European Soil Strategy is expected tomorrow.

A geological itinerary on the superficial faulting of the 2016 earthquakes along the Monte Vettore - Monte Bove fault: a geosite to be enhanced and preserved
A geological itinerary on the superficial faulting of the 2016 earthquakes along the Monte Vettore - Monte Bove fault: a geosite to be enhanced and preserved
Nov 15, 2021

ISPRA and Monti Sibillini National Park have organized a geological itinerary on the evidence of reactivation up to the surface of the Monte Vettore-Monte Bove fault from which the seismic sequence that hit Central Italy in 2016 originated.

The monitoring of landslides for the management of natural risks
The monitoring of landslides for the management of natural risks
Nov 10, 2021 10:00 AM — Nov 10, 2021 06:00 PM Milano

The conference "The monitoring of landslides for the management of natural risks", organized by Arpa Lombardia, in collaboration with the Order of Geologists of Lombardy, will be held on 10 November in Milan. An entire day dedicated to the increasingly topical issue of hydrogeological instability and, in particular, to the design and management of monitoring networks throughout the country.

Environment and health in areas with high environmental impact
Environment and health in areas with high environmental impact
Nov 10, 2021 — Nov 12, 2021 Rome

The course aims to offer a large spectrum of scientific knowledge of environmental contamination management in areas characterized by significant anthropic impact. It is addressed to professionals, experts and operators in the "environment and health" field to facilitate interdisciplinary collaboration on land reclamation and prevention of damage to human health.

The contribution of the EPOS Italia Joint Research Unit to the development of the European Plate Observing System infrastructure
The contribution of the EPOS Italia Joint Research Unit to the development of the European Plate Observing System infrastructure
Nov 03, 2021 10:30 AM — Nov 03, 2021 02:00 PM Online event

The Joint Research Unit EPOS Italy was founded in 2017 to promote the participation of national research institutions and universities in the European research infrastructure EPOS (European Plate Observing System), optimizing the visibility and contributions of the national research system.

CARG geological cartography. The Radiography of the Country
CARG geological cartography. The Radiography of the Country
Oct 27, 2021 12:00 PM — Oct 27, 2021 01:30 PM Streaming live Youtube ISPRA chanel

The PNRR provides for initiatives aimed at combating hydrogeological instability, reforestation, efficient use of water and improving the quality of inland and marine waters.
In fact, the Plan dedicates Component 4 of this Mission to the safety of the territory, understood as the mitigation of hydrogeological risks, with prevention and restoration interventions, for which knowledge of the territory becomes increasingly strategic.

The science of Rome. Past, present and future of a city
The science of Rome. Past, present and future of a city
Oct 12, 2021 — Feb 27, 2022 Rome

At the Palazzo delle Esposizioni in Rome, on Tuesday 12 October the exhibition “La Scienza di Roma. Past, present and future of a city ”, scheduled until February 27, 2022.
The aim of the exhibition is to tell the story of scientific ideas and their impact on society and on the great scientists who worked in Rome and on their discoveries.

Geodiversity: an element that characterizes the Italian territories
Geodiversity: an element that characterizes the Italian territories
Oct 06, 2021 11:30 AM — Oct 06, 2021 03:30 PM Online event

The seminar, organized by the Italian Geographic Society and the Italian Society of Environmental Geology, will be held on 6 October in Rome but it will also be possible to follow online.

Common good soil: consumption dynamics for new containment policies
Common good soil: consumption dynamics for new containment policies
Sep 25, 2021 11:45 AM — Sep 25, 2021 02:00 PM Orzinuovi

The first appointment with “Incontri di Pianura” will take place on Saturday 25 September 2021 in Orzinuovi. On this occasion we will talk about "Soil as a common good": consumption dynamics for new containment policies ", with the return to the administrations adhering to the Sustainable Plain of the latest monitoring of land consumption in the reference territorial context, a valid reading tool not only environmental dynamics.

EO4GEO opportunities for Earth Observation and Geoinformation skills improvement
EO4GEO opportunities for Earth Observation and Geoinformation skills improvement
Sep 22, 2021 04:00 PM — Sep 22, 2021 06:00 PM Online event

The objective of this workshop is to highlight how some of the current challenges in terms of skills and training in the Earth Observation and Geographic information (EO*GI) sector can be addressed using EO4GEO Tools and resources. To this effect, several stakeholders from the EO*GI sector will share their experience with resources on space-geoinformation, developed in the context of the EO4GEO Blueprint project. The project and its overall aims will be presented followed by demonstrations of real use-cases where the project’s outputs were used to solve workforce challenges or support up-skilling.

Here's what "losing land" means: New video of the Soil4life Project
Here's what "losing land" means: New video of the Soil4life Project
Sep 22, 2021

In the occasion of the conference: "Adapting cities to the climate crisis: policies, plans and projects for achieving the sustainable development goals: the role of cities", that will be held today at the RemTech Expo, it will be presented the new viodeo of the Soil4life project which ISPRA is partner.


Presentation of the SNPA guidelines for landslide monitoring at Remtech Expo 2021
Presentation of the SNPA guidelines for landslide monitoring at Remtech Expo 2021
Sep 21, 2021 04:30 PM — Sep 21, 2021 09:00 PM Online event

On 21 September 2021 at 2.30 pm, as part of Remtech Expo 2021, a webinar to present the SNPA guidelines for monitoring landslides will be held. The Guidelines aim to harmonize procedures and provide references and criteria for the design, installation, management and maintenance of landslide monitoring networks, as well as for the dissemination of data.

RemTech Expo 2021
RemTech Expo 2021
Sep 20, 2021 — Sep 24, 2021

RemTech Expo is the only international event specializing in the protection and sustainable development of territories - rehabilitation (reclamation, circular economy), natural risks (coasts, instability, climate, seismic), regeneration (ports, cities, cultural heritage, industry). This year the RemTech Week will be held in Ferrara Fiere from 20 to 24 September in blended Edition (20 and 21 in digital form, 22-24 in presence and digitally).

Geology from the Divine Comedy to modern times
Geology from the Divine Comedy to modern times
Sep 10, 2021 11:30 AM — Sep 10, 2021 03:00 PM Online event

To commemorate the 700th anniversary of the death of the Italian poet Dante Alighieri, the National Council of Geologists and the Italian Society of Environmental Geology-APS, with the patronage of the Tuscany Region, organize the webinar "Geology from the Divine Comedy to modern times".

II Summer school of Geomorphology, Ecology and Biology in the marine and insular environment
II Summer school of Geomorphology, Ecology and Biology in the marine and insular environment
Sep 07, 2021 — Sep 10, 2021

ISPRA, together with the Department of Engineering and Geology of the University "G. d'Annunzio "of Chieti-Pescara and the Marine Geology Section of the Italian Geological Society is organizing, with the patronage of the Italian Geological Society and the Gargano National Park, the" II summer school of Geomorphology, Ecology and Biology in the marine and insular environment "

The hydrogeological instability. Technical aspects and socio-economic effects
The hydrogeological instability. Technical aspects and socio-economic effects
Jul 28, 2021 11:30 AM — Jul 28, 2021 03:30 PM Webinar

The conference is the first of a cycle of events that will concern the analysis, monitoring and mitigation of hydrogeological instability with a focus on landslides, floods and urban flooding.

NET scientific aperitif - Our green gold: urban forests in the city of the future?
NET scientific aperitif - Our green gold: urban forests in the city of the future?
Jul 22, 2021 08:30 PM — Jul 22, 2021 10:30 PM Roma, Casetta Rossa, via Giovanni Battista Magnaghi, 14

Cities are where business is concentrated and half of the world's population lives with further growth prospects. Urban areas therefore have a high impact on environmental quality. Solutions based on the functioning of ecosystems are a tool for sustainable land management, to address in an integrated way the environmental and social problems caused by global and climatic changes in progress. By assessing the impact of land consumption on ecosystem services provided by vegetation, the problems and solutions that the synergy between research and active citizenship can find to future challenges will be analyzed.

INHIGEO 2021 Conference
INHIGEO 2021 Conference
Jul 19, 2021 — Jul 21, 2021 Online event

The 46th Conference of the International Commission on the History of Geological Sciences (INHIGEO), due to the Sars-Cov-2 Pandemic, will be held online by the Polish Geological Institute.

Presentation of the Report "Soil consumption, territorial dynamics and ecosystem services. Edition 2021"
Presentation of the Report "Soil consumption, territorial dynamics and ecosystem services. Edition 2021"
Jul 14, 2021 12:30 PM — Jul 14, 2021 02:30 PM

Next 14 July will be presented the SNPA report "Soil consumption, territorial dynamics and ecosystem services. Edition 2021" After the presentation of the report, a video survey on land consumption will be shown at 12.00, carried out by ISPRA, as part of the European project Soil4Life.

SNPA web site

Programme of report presentation

Press conference (ita) 

Programme of the press conference

Report; Main data at regional, provincial and municipalities level and fact-sheet on regional data 

Visualize the cartography and the main data

Download the cartography and the complete data



Streaming live of the report presentation time 10.30  on channel Youtube ISPRA and

Streaming live press conference time 12 sul channel Youtube ISPRA

Environmental statistics for cohesion policies 2014-2020
Environmental statistics for cohesion policies 2014-2020
Jul 08, 2021 12:30 PM — Jul 08, 2021 02:30 PM Online event

Since May 2018 ISPRA has been a beneficiary of the project aimed at expanding the set of territorial indicators today released by public statistics on the environment, satisfying on the one hand the new international information requests (for example SDG indicators )and at the same time aligning the availability of data and indicators to the information needs of policy makers.

City' Scape: City_Brand&Tourism Landscape
City' Scape: City_Brand&Tourism Landscape
Jul 08, 2021 — Jul 08, 2021 Online event

the International Symposium City 'Scape: City_Brand & Tourism Landscape aims to reflect on the future of the urban landscape in search of best practices to promote, in the field of Landscape Architecture, effective design strategies capable of attributing new ethical, economic and social values ​​to territories.

From soil degradation to soil recovery
From soil degradation to soil recovery
Jun 17, 2021 12:00 PM — Jun 17, 2021 02:00 PM Online event

On June 17, the Research Unit on Desertification of the University of Sassari organizes an online webinar in two sessions on the occasion of the World Day for the Fight against Desertification. The first, entitled From degradation to soil recovery, to analyze with experts the point on the remediation of industrial and mining areas

Desertification and Drought Day 2021
Desertification and Drought Day 2021
Jun 17, 2021 — Jun 17, 2021

The theme chosen this year for Desertification and Drought Day, in analogy with the start of the UN Decade for Ecosystem Restoration, will focus on the transformation of degraded land, which guarantees economic resilience, creates jobs, increases income and food security, helps restore biodiversity, stores carbon, slows down climate change and reduces its impacts, and supports green recovery from the pandemic.

XIII edition of Mines National Day
XIII edition of Mines National Day
May 29, 2021 — May 30, 2021 Italian territory

The National Day of Mines, promoted to spread the value and cultural significance of geological tourism, has achivied its thirteenth edition this year, registering an increase interest throughout the whole national territory.

What future for urban landscapes? Challenges and perspectives
What future for urban landscapes? Challenges and perspectives
May 27, 2021 07:30 PM — May 27, 2021 09:30 PM Online event

The Italian Society of Landscape Ecology is organizing a series of online seminars. An ISPRA expert will participate in the meeting "Innovative approaches for urban landscape management" on 27 May.

A new tool from the research to address land consumption
A new tool from the research to address land consumption
May 26, 2021 11:30 AM — May 26, 2021 06:30 PM Online event

LANDSUPPORT Technical dissemination workshop

In the framework of the Horizon2020 project LANDSUPPORT  a new innovative system has been developed to support sustainable agriculture and forestry, evaluate trade-off between land uses and contribute to the development and implementation of land use policies in Italy and Europe.
It is a smart Geospatial CyberInfrastructure designed to support the decisions of administrations, urban planners and local communities and to raise awareness of this serious threat of degradation in Italy.
The LANDSUPPORT platform is web-based and open-access, freely usable to support sustainable management of land resources with the aim to stop land consumption.