EO4GEO opportunities for Earth Observation and Geoinformation skills improvement
The objective of this workshop is to highlight how some of the current challenges in terms of skills and training in the Earth Observation and Geographic information (EO*GI) sector can be addressed using EO4GEO Tools and resources. To this effect, several stakeholders from the EO*GI sector will share their experience with resources on space-geoinformation, developed in the context of the EO4GEO Blueprint project. The project and its overall aims will be presented followed by demonstrations of real use-cases where the project’s outputs were used to solve workforce challenges or support up-skilling.
- https://development.isprambiente.gov.it/en/archive/ispra-events/2021/09/eo4geo-opportunities-for-earth-observation-and-geoinformation-skills-improvement
- EO4GEO opportunities for Earth Observation and Geoinformation skills improvement
- 2021-09-22T14:00:00+00:00
- 2021-09-22T16:00:00+00:00
- The objective of this workshop is to highlight how some of the current challenges in terms of skills and training in the Earth Observation and Geographic information (EO*GI) sector can be addressed using EO4GEO Tools and resources. To this effect, several stakeholders from the EO*GI sector will share their experience with resources on space-geoinformation, developed in the context of the EO4GEO Blueprint project. The project and its overall aims will be presented followed by demonstrations of real use-cases where the project’s outputs were used to solve workforce challenges or support up-skilling.
- When Sep 22, 2021 from 02:00 PM to 04:00 PM (GMT+0 / UTC0)
- Where Online event
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The participants will learn about tools tailored to set up learning paths and training materials, with practical examples devoted to train students and people entering the labour market, to re-skill and/or up-skill staff in public administrations and to facilitate the hiring process in private organisations. Additionally, they will get insights on the variety and richness of training that can be offered to their workforce. This will also be an opportunity for training providers to understand how they can collaborate with the project and make use of the existing resources to develop their training offer.