Istituto Superiore per la Protezione
e la Ricerca Ambientale


Siq Stability Programme (UNESCO)

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The Department for the Geological Survey of Italy has been supporting since 2009 the UNESCO Amman Office and the Department of Antiquities of Jordan (DOA) for the geological conservation of the UNESCO site of Petra. The Petra Archaeological Park (PAP), a UNESCO World Heritage site since 1985, is characterized by a spectacular landscape but also by a great fragility fragile being prone to a diversity of natural risks (e.g. landslides, flash-floods, earthquakes) which can cause a potential danger to cultural heritage and visitors. The ‘Siq’, a natural canyon which constitutes the main entrance to the archaeological site, is among the most fragile areas of Petra due to its geological, geomorphological and geo-structural characteristics. After the occurrence of rock falls occurred in the last decades, the UNESCO Amman Office in partnership with the DOA and the PAP has therefore engaged in the ‘Siq Stability Programme, a multi-year project, funded by AICS – Italian Agency for Development Cooperation. The project, presently in the 4th Phase of the Programme is mainly aimed at the analysis, monitoring and landslide mitigation works in the Siq of Petra with slope consolidation works of large blocks recently implemented with the fundamental support of Italian alpine climbers assisted by Jordanian rock climbers and workers. A special attention has been provided non only to the works technical component but overall to the complex aspects of the logistics, site safety and use of the ‘Siq’ by tourists during the implementation of the works. Along with the implementation of the consolidation works, training courses on engineering geology applied to the protection of cultural heritage have been organized and addressed to technician of DOA and PAP.

Finally, the consolidation works in the ‘Siq’ of Petra represent a unique and challenging experience undertaken in a UNESCO World Heritage site in terms of technicality, continuous and positive cooperation and involvement of the local authorities and community engagement in the light of sustainable management of the cultural and natural heritage of Petra.