Istituto Superiore per la Protezione
e la Ricerca Ambientale


Events and News

RemTech Expo 2021
RemTech Expo 2021
Sep 20, 2021 — Sep 24, 2021

RemTech Expo is the only international event specializing in the protection and sustainable development of territories - rehabilitation (reclamation, circular economy), natural risks (coasts, instability, climate, seismic), regeneration (ports, cities, cultural heritage, industry). This year the RemTech Week will be held in Ferrara Fiere from 20 to 24 September in blended Edition (20 and 21 in digital form, 22-24 in presence and digitally).

Green Symposium 2021
Green Symposium 2021
Sep 15, 2021 — Sep 17, 2021 Portici (NA)

The Green Symposium was created to create the first Community that puts on the network the skills useful for the restart of the South. Europe has given a great opportunity by financing ideas and encouraging investments. For this reason it is necessary to streamline industrial processes and at the same time promote their acceptance by the territories.

Emilia-Romagna: the new plan for waste management and remediation
Emilia-Romagna: the new plan for waste management and remediation
Sep 13, 2021 12:00 PM — Sep 13, 2021 02:30 PM Bologna, Villa Guastavillani

The new regional plan for waste and remediation; the Emilia-Romagna strategy for the circular economy and ecological transition; the integrated cycle of waste management are some of the topics that will be discussed during the conference "Emilia-Romagna Circular. The new plan for waste management and remediation" to be held in Bologna on Monday 13 September.

Not only urban waste. Special waste  the management that need the Country system
Not only urban waste. Special waste the management that need the Country system
Sep 10, 2021 07:00 PM — Sep 10, 2021 08:30 PM Milano

The meeting: "Not only urban waste. Special waste  the management that need the Country system" is included in the program  "Il Verde e il Blu Festival. Buone idee per il futuro del pianeta", the most important national exhibition on the cliamte  change, circular economy, digital revolution, food and megatrend for the future.

People, Prosperity and the Planet at the center of the Ecological Transition
People, Prosperity and the Planet at the center of the Ecological Transition
Jul 22, 2021 04:30 PM — Jul 22, 2021 08:45 PM

The international community will meet in Naples on the occasion of the G20 Climate and Energy 2021 to discuss shared solutions for the ecological transition of energy systems and the circular economy.

Final conference GRRinPORT project
Final conference GRRinPORT project
Jul 09, 2021 11:00 AM — Jul 09, 2021 03:30 PM Online event

During the day, action plans and results will be presented that will help ship owners and port facility managers towards an eco-sustainable approach. Launched in April 2018, the project was tested in the four ports of Cagliari, Livorno, Bastia and Ajaccio.

Environmental statistics for cohesion policies 2014-2020
Environmental statistics for cohesion policies 2014-2020
Jul 08, 2021 12:30 PM — Jul 08, 2021 02:30 PM Online event

Since May 2018 ISPRA has been a beneficiary of the project aimed at expanding the set of territorial indicators today released by public statistics on the environment, satisfying on the one hand the new international information requests (for example SDG indicators )and at the same time aligning the availability of data and indicators to the information needs of policy makers.

National Conference EcoForum - VIII edition
National Conference EcoForum - VIII edition
Jul 06, 2021 — Jul 07, 2021 Online event

Simplifications, innovation, participation: a national plan for the circular economy
The 2020 was the year of the transposition of the directives on the circular economy. The 2021 must be the year of the implementation of a national plan that includes tools, objectives, reforms, starting with the strengthening of the system of environmental controls and economic resources, according to the provisions of the PNRR.

Presentation of the Special Waste Report
Presentation of the Special Waste Report
Jun 11, 2021 12:00 PM — Jun 11, 2021 01:30 PM Online event

The Special Waste Report presents the data relating to the year 2019 and is the result of a complex activity of data collection, analysis and processing by the National Center for Waste and Circular Economy of ISPRA, with the contribution of the regional agencies. and provincial for the Protection of the Environment, in implementation of a specific institutional task provided for by Article 189 of Legislative Decree no. 152/2006. The goal is to provide an objective and always updated information framework to support the legislator in guiding adequate policies and interventions, monitoring their effectiveness, introducing, if necessary, any corrective measures. ISPRA will present the report during a specific webinar that is broadcasted on the platform RICICLA TV. The meeting is a on opportunity of comparison with the main stakeholders on how the management system is reacting to the Covid-19 emergency.


Cadastre Waste

Streaming live ISPRA channel Youtube

Press release (ita)

Report on Waste from Economic Activities - 2021

Report on Waste from Economic Activities - 2021. Synthesis data


Port system and environmental protection: tools for assessing water quality
Port system and environmental protection: tools for assessing water quality
Jun 08, 2021 11:00 AM — Jun 08, 2021 03:00 PM Online event

Next 8 june, at the same time with the ocean world day, it will be held the seminar "Port system and environmental protection: tools for assessing water quality

The law 22 May 2015 n. 68 on environmental crimes six years later
The law 22 May 2015 n. 68 on environmental crimes six years later
May 27, 2021 04:00 PM — May 27, 2021 05:30 PM Online event

On May 22, six years ago, the Italian Parliament approved the law on ecoreati. On the occasion of the sixth anniversary, the Ecomafie Commission organized a live streaming seminar on May 27, 2021 at 2 pm on webtv of Chamber of Deputy

Preparation for reuse, good practices for circular inclusion
Preparation for reuse, good practices for circular inclusion
May 26, 2021 12:30 PM — May 26, 2021 02:30 PM Online event

A webinar streaming live on Facebook di Economie Circolari to analyze the situation in Italy on the subject of preparing for reuse in the experience of social cooperation for work placement.

The initiative is organized by Legambiente which with the ECCO. Tutto torna project aimed to disseminate information on the circular economy, as a democratic and inclusive tool to increase awareness and participation in new consumption and use practices by citizens, local authorities, associations, schools and businesses.


Questionnaire on the prevention measures implemented by the municipalities
Questionnaire on the prevention measures implemented by the municipalities
May 03, 2021

The National program for waste prevention(PNPR) identifies some indicators to monitoring the measures implemented by the municipalities to promote the prevention of waste production. The program establishes that the Ministry of Ecological Transition will have the support of ISPRA for the purpose of collecting, processing and populating the indicators.

The Decree 188/2020 - End of Waste paper
The Decree 188/2020 - End of Waste paper
Apr 12, 2021 01:00 PM — Apr 12, 2021 03:00 PM Webinar

Circular economy and waste. For a sustainable management policy
Circular economy and waste. For a sustainable management policy
Mar 19, 2021 10:30 AM — Mar 19, 2021 11:30 AM Online event

Thanks to correct management it is  possible to optimize disposal costs, and transform wast in a resource, and protecting the environment from a circular economy perspective.

Plastic, bioplastic, riplastic or Noplastic
Plastic, bioplastic, riplastic or Noplastic
Jan 14, 2021 04:00 PM — Jan 14, 2021 06:30 PM Webinar

The webinar aims to share and discuss the different possibilities of sustainable and innovative solutions that involve the use of plastics and towards recovery-oriented production and consumption. Furthermore, the webinar will also represent a moment of exchange of scientific knowledge between the different institutions working in the sector, researchers, entrepreneurs and experts.

Presentation Municipal Waste Report edition 2020
Presentation Municipal Waste Report edition 2020
Dec 29, 2020 11:00 AM — Dec 29, 2020 02:00 PM Online event

On 29 December at 10 am live on the web site Ricicla TV ISPRA will present the Municipal Waste Report edition 2020

Now in its twenty-second edition, the report is the result of a complex activity of data collection, analysis and processing in implementation of a specific institutional task provided for by art. 189 of Legislative Decree no. 152/2006

Presentation of the Report Ecomafia 2020
Presentation of the Report Ecomafia 2020
Dec 11, 2020 11:00 AM — Dec 11, 2020 02:00 PM Online event

The stories and numbers of environmental crimes in Italy
On 11 December Legambiente will present the annual report regarding to environmental illegalities. For over twenty-five years the research has been carried out in cooperation with all the law enforcement agencies (Anti-Mafia Investigative Directorate, Carabinieri Arma, Financial Police, State Police, Forestry Corps of the Regions with special statute), with the Port Authorities and with other judicial police bodies such as Customs and Monopoly Agencies.

Presentation "Recycling in Italy. Report 2020"
Presentation "Recycling in Italy. Report 2020"
Dec 10, 2020 11:00 AM — Dec 10, 2020 01:30 PM Online event

The annual report on waste recycling and recovery, produced by the Foundation for Sustainable Development and FISE UNICIRCULAR, achieves this year its eleventh. The Report presentation event, organized with the patronage of the Italian Ministry of the Environment and ISPRA, will be held on 10 December 2020 in live streaming, from 10.00 to 12.30.

Marine litter: from fishermen to guardian of the sea
Marine litter: from fishermen to guardian of the sea
Nov 20, 2020 12:30 PM — Nov 20, 2020 02:30 PM Webinar

The event is part of the Sealogy exhibition that aims to promote good practices and experiences on Blue economy, an opportunities also for companies and allo the stakeholders involved in this field.
The webinar is dedicated to marine pollution and the collection of waste at sea. An opportunity for discussion and exchange on projects, on initiatives in the field but also on the critical issues in the collection of marine waste.

EcoForum. Circular economy business: rules, plants and products
EcoForum. Circular economy business: rules, plants and products
Oct 21, 2020 11:30 AM — Oct 22, 2020 04:00 PM Streaming live

Legambiente, Nuova Ecologia and Kyoto Club, in cooperation with CONOU and with the patronage of the Italian Ministry of the Environment, Land and Sea is organizing the seventh edition of EcoForum, the national conference on the circular economy. At the end of the two days of work, the XXVII edition of Comuni Ricicloni takes place, the awarding of the Free Waste Municipalities.

The Waste factor(y)
The Waste factor(y)
Oct 15, 2020 08:30 PM — Oct 15, 2020 09:30 PM Online event

As part of the Sustainable Architecture Festival "Change", financed by Mibact and promoted also by Open House, MAXXI, Order of Architects of Rome, the online event The Waste factor (y) will faced the municipal waste topic.
An ISPRA expert from the National Waste and Circular Economy Center will participate in the brainstorming.

Green Book 2020: data on the urban waste management in Italia and the new aspects introduces by the normative
Green Book 2020: data on the urban waste management in Italia and the new aspects introduces by the normative
Oct 13, 2020 01:00 PM — Oct 13, 2020 03:00 PM online event

Now in its eighth edition, the Green Book 2020, published by the Utilitatis Foundation, represents an important monograph on the municipal waste sector in Italy. The publication offers an overview of the regulatory, organizational and economic aspects of the management of the urban waste cycle in Italy, taking into account also  the international context.

The Italian HUB for the BLUEMED initiative Pilot “Towards a Healthy plastic-free Mediterranean Sea”
The Italian HUB for the BLUEMED initiative Pilot “Towards a Healthy plastic-free Mediterranean Sea”
Oct 09, 2020 12:30 PM — Oct 09, 2020 06:00 PM Streaming online

The BlueMed Pilot action, launched in 2018 is aimed to mapping and asses the actions of marine pollution related to plastic waste in UE and extra UE in the Mediterranean area to promote good practices and awareness towards citizens. 

XXXII edition of Festambiente
XXXII edition of Festambiente
Aug 19, 2020 08:30 PM — Aug 19, 2020 09:30 PM

The national event of Festambiente, organized by Legambiente will held in Ripescia (GR) from 19 to 23 August.

Fuel pellets Gulf of Follonica
Fuel pellets Gulf of Follonica
Jul 27, 2020

Ispra and Arpa Toscana are working with the members of the National Civil Protection Service to ensure the removal of the bales fuel pellets  dispersed in the Gulf of Follonica following the accident of the "IVY" motor ship, which occurred in July 2015.

Signing up to the Newsletter of the "Plastic Blusters MPAs" project
Signing up to the Newsletter of the "Plastic Blusters MPAs" project
Jul 22, 2020

The 4-year project, started on 1 February 2018, is financed by the European Community INTERREG MED Cooperation and is coordinated by ISPRA. For the first time on a Mediterranean scale, EU countries and accession states join forces to tackle marine litter with a coordinated approach.

End of waste and by-products: solutions for a circular economy suistainable and efficacious
End of waste and by-products: solutions for a circular economy suistainable and efficacious
Jul 17, 2020 11:30 AM — Jul 17, 2020 03:30 PM Webinar

In order to close the circular economy cycle, it is necessary to work on the tools that can give operators certainty regarding  by-product qualification of the production residues that they generate and the cessation of the waste qualification at the end of a recovery process, so that these materials can effectively return to the market

Epidemiological emergency, Covid-19 and waste cycle
Epidemiological emergency, Covid-19 and waste cycle
Jul 15, 2020 01:00 PM — Jul 15, 2020 02:45 PM Streaming web

The Parliamentary Commission of Inquiry into illegal activities related to the waste cycle and environmental crimes (Ecomafie Commission) unanimously approved the report "COVID-19 epidemiological emergency and waste cycle".
A meeting will be held on Wednesday 15 July at Palazzo San Macuto to present the Commission's report.

Press conference: the public campaign of the Italian Ministry of the Environment on the correct disposal of gloves and masks
Press conference: the public campaign of the Italian Ministry of the Environment on the correct disposal of gloves and masks
Jul 03, 2020

The communication campaign of the Ministry of the Environment was presented at a press conference in Rome, in collaboration with the Coast Guard, Ispra, Iss, Enea and the Colao commission - the first live post-Covid - by Minister Sergio Costa, at the headquarters of the Command General of the Coast Guard. Three points on which he focuses: throwing masks and gloves in the undifferentiated, use as much as possible of the reusable ones, do not throw them on the ground to avoid serious damage to the environment. The President of Ispra and SNPA, Stefano Laporta, said that "Ispra and the National System for Environmental Protection" adhere to this campaign which mainly appeals to the civic sense of each of us. The numbers are clear: in Italy there is a daily production of waste from masks equal to about 410 tons, with an average value for the end of 2020 of 100,000 tons of waste. The production of glove waste at the end of the year will be of an average value of 200,000 tons. These numbers must necessarily lead us to responsible behavior towards the environment".