Presentation of Technical Report MATTM-ISPRA "Mapping of major accident in Italy" - July 5, 2013
- Presentation of Technical Report MATTM-ISPRA "Mapping of major accident in Italy" - July 5, 2013
- 2013-07-05T09:00:00+00:00
- 2013-07-05T12:00:00+00:00
- When Jul 05, 2013 from 09:00 AM to 12:00 PM (GMT+0 / UTC0)
- Where ISPRA, Sala Conferenze – Via Brancati, 48 Roma
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The information are regularly collected in technical reports that, in addition to presenting the results of activities carried out by ISPRA Service Industrial Risk and the Department for the Environmental Assessment of the Ministry of the Environment, provide a map of the dangers of accident significant associated with industrial activities on the national territory.
In anticipation of the implementation of the new Seveso III (18/2012/CE), which must be within June 1, 2015, has been decided to offer to the industry and sector experts, a new edition of the report, which represent the natural evolution of APAT previous reports on the issue.